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So I just wanted to address something that's really important, which is whitewashing calum.

I'm not gonna be making a long note about it, but I just want to tell you that making racial jokes (like honestly, it's 2015 calling Calum Asian is not and has never been funny so stop it.)

I also think Calum should be respected and for people to stop whitewashing him. When I first started this whole writing preferences thing I based this and my grammar on other people's writing because of the fact that english isn't my native language.

That's why I want to apologise if I've ever addressed Calum as "tan skinned" or whatever. Because everyone used that and I thought it was the right term. I've now gotten more into the english language and I realise calling Calum "tan skinned" is wrong and I'll now address him with correct terms.

I genuinely don't know how many times I've done it and I don't really feel like going back and reading all my preferences, but please if you've read my preferences and noticed a place where I've called Calum something wrong, please don't be afraid to point it out. Because I've learned and I really wanna change it then.

Anyway I'm sorry I keep making notes and stuff, but this was something I really wanted to say.

My GCSEs are finally over and I should be back to writing soon :-)

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