You're reading but he wants to cuddle

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Calum: you were sitting on your couch, reading 'The Fault In Our Stars' for the 20th time, making sure you were ready for the movie. "Why are you reading that book again?" Calum asked as he walked into the room. "Because it's good," you said not looking away from the book. "But you've already read it like a hundred times and I wanna cuddle," Calum said pouting. "Not now Calum, maybe later," you said sighing. "Fine," Calum said walking out of the room. Around 10 minutes later Calum walked into the room with a blanket wrapped him. He quickly got comfortable on the couch and rested his head on your lap. You could feel him staring at you but you tried to ignore it, when he didn't stop you put the book down on the arm rest. "What do you want Calum?" "Cuddle?" Was the only thing Calum said. "Fine," you said finally giving in.

Michael: Michael had ignored you all day, because of a video game a fan had giving him. Finally after an hour you gave up and went to your bedroom instead. You quickly found your book 'Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children' and started reading. You were just getting into the book, when Michael peeked his head trough the door. "Y/n?" He asked, walking fully into the room, but you decided to ignore him like he had done earlier. "I'm hungry, can we make some food soon?" Michael asked sitting on the bed beside you. You just sighed and turned around, facing the other side, still reading the book. "Did I do something?" Michael asked, you could hear the hurt in his voice and you knew if you took one look at him you would give in and forgive him. He threw his arms around you and cuddled you close. "Whatever I did, I didn't mean to, I'll go order pizza and we can cuddle and then you can tell me all about it. I'm sorry," Michael said getting up, but he was already forgiven at that moment.

Luke: You were reading 'looking for Alaska' for the first time and it was one of the best books you had ever read. Just as Luke walked trough the door you threw the book across the room, as tears started rolling down you cheeks. "Hey, hey, what happened?" Luke asked concerned. He quickly walked over to you, placing you on his lap. You just pointed at the book in the corner of the room. "How could you John Green, how could you?" You sobbed. Luke didn't ask about it, he knew it was something that happened in your book and just held you close. "How about I find some blankets and some movies and then we can cuddle all night. Forget about the book, I'll even make popcorn," Luke said. "That sounds great," you said sniffling. Even though the popcorn were burnt and the movies were bad you enjoyed the little cuddle session with Luke.

Ashton: You were on tour with Ashton and the boys at the moment, and the constant traveling and shifting time zones had hit all the lads really hard. Ashton had kissed you on the cheek and crawled into his bunk around an hour ago. You were just reading a book, when you felt a person sit down next to you. You looked over only to see a tired Ashton smiling sheepishly at you. "Cuddle?" He said opening his arms. "Sure," you said immediately cuddling into his side. "It absolutely sucks being jet lagged," Ashton said sounding exhausted. You laid the book down beside you and crawled behind Ashton. "What are you doing?" He asked sounding confused. You didn't answer him, but you just started messaging his shoulders. After a few minutes you heard light snores coming from him. You just cuddled into his side, as you stayed like that for a long time.

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