🤍 Part 3 🤍

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Wait, isn't that Jimin hyung?!The girl's smile grew huge when she saw him. She ran toward him, squealing. They hugged each other. So, Jimin hyung had a girl...? Hyung picked her up by her waist. She shrieked and slapped his arm. He put her back down laughing. They walked to a bench, a bench close to where I was at. 

"Jiminie, Ms. Choi found me a manager, in like, 2 seconds!"

They started talking. Jiminie? Only his close friends call him that.

"I know who the manager is."

"Wait, did she call you? I should've known!"

She slapped his shoulder and it probably hurt. Jimin hyung looked so hurt at that moment, it reminded me of how I almost choked him today. I should apologize.

"Jiminie, are you okay? Did it hurt that much? Are you going to tell me whose the manager?"

Jimin laughed.

"Um, he's my friend. Really close friend. He's a year older than you and has been looking for a job for a while."

"Is he hot?"

She laughed so hard at her own question. Hyung laughed harder. They calmed down after a minute.

"You really wanna know? Well, he's had a lot of girls ask him out, but he never said yes."

"Oh, so he's-"

Her phone rang.

"Sorry, gimme a sec." 

She picked it up.

"Hello, Kim Yn of Kim Corporations is speaking." 

NEXT DAY, 12:34

"Come on! Go!"

Everyone was yelling at me, telling me I was going to be late

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Everyone was yelling at me, telling me I was going to be late. As if I cared. All that was stuck in my mind was the girl from yesterday.

"Ok, ok! Bye!"

I ran out of the house, got in my car, and started it, taking a deep breath. I followed the directions and made it to a huge building. Damn. I parked my car. I headed in, fixing my collar. I went up to the receptionist.

"Which floor is the CEO on?"

She blushed. She tucked her hair behind her ear and spoke.

"15th floor."

I nodded and walked to the elevator. My hands were sweating, so I rubbed it on the wrinkles that were on my jacket. I pressed the button for the 15th floor. 2 minutes later, I was there. I wanted to look confident so I straightened my back and the door opened. Everyone looked at me. All the girls blushed and even hid their faces with the papers in their hands.

I asked a guy around my age where the bosses office was. He gave me the directions and I came to room with a grey door. I breathed and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

A female voice?

Female BossWhere stories live. Discover now