🤍Part 19🤍

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Why was Jungkook so hot and gorgeous...

🤍                           🤍                         🤍  

"Taehyung oppa? Can you please take Jungkook with you? I need to leave right now."

I asked.

"No. Take him with you. It won't hurt. You're going to the same place."

He said. I sighed knowing how stubborn my brother was. Maybe I could try to win this time.

"Oppa, please. It'll be weird to show up with my manager. "

"Oppa, please. It'll be weird to show up with my manager."

He mocked. He shook his head,

"I don't have enough time. I need to help Yong Eun with his wedding."

He said. I was surprised. 

"Yong Eun is getting married?"

I asked.

"Yes, to Sin Sook-Joo. They didn't give out invitations yet, so no one knows. I'm going to be Yong Eun's best man."

I snorted.

"You? His best man? Now that's funny."

Right now is the perfect time to leave, I thought, and waved to Tae Oppa.

"Bye, Oppa!"

I started my car and left immediately. Ahahhahhhhahaahahhahaahahahah! I heard my Oppa yelling after me, but I zoomed away.

When I got to the office, I parked in the employee area. Someone will have to pay to park today. I giggled. I made my way inside and went to the elevator. When I got to the 15th floor, an employee gave me a few files.

"Miss Yn, these are permits that you need to fill in so we can get Kep1er to debut by the end of next month."

I took the files, my head looking down at them as I made my way to my office. I didn't see where I was going, so I bumped into something hard and fell. I closed my eyes but never felt the impact. Instead, I felt strong arms holding my waist.

I slowly opened my eyes, and I saw...

A familiar face, as if I had seen it before...his eyes were deep brown, and his face was pale...

His hair was black, and he reminded me of a cat...

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