🤍Part 13🤍

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Is that moaning coming from my office? I opened the door to my office...and...no...


He had a girl, Jeong Yun, on his lap. He looked uncomfortable that she was on his lap. He immediately pushed her off his lap.


I was disgusted in...

"Jeong Yun. You are fired. I have warned you about doing things with my male employees in my company. You are hereby banned from stepping foot on Kim Corporation ever again. And, I would want my property back."

She is such a biatch. The first time, I had caught her making out with a man who had a girlfriend. Also, if one of my employees is in need of a home, we give them one. Her family needed one, so we gave it to her. Also, she just sat on my proper-

Never mind. Jungkook looked shocked.

"Ms. Jeong. Out. Now." 

She ran put of the room, muttering something. Jk got up immediately and bowed.

"Miss Yn I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. Please forgive me."

"No, it is certainly not your fault, Jk. This has happened before, and I had given her a second chance, thinking she would've changed."

He nodded and sat down. I did the same. When I came to my desk, I saw that it was full of files. Somethingnto take my mind off my "parents."

Just then, Yeonjun ran in.

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