🤍Part 6 🤍

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Everyone left the meeting happily. When Yn got home, she saw a present on her front porch. She picked it up, and it was a small box. She opened it. It was a ring with a small diomand. 

"Its so pretty."

She put the ring on, and opened her door. Her maid was cooking. That reminded Yn of something. 

"Hi, Amelia. I hate to break it to you, but you are fired."

Amelia, her maid, looked at Yn in horror. Amelia was 20, a year younger than Yn. Yn hugged Amelia.

"Because you are going to debut in my company as an idol."


"Yes, you are going to debut, just like you wanted to. I saw you that night, when you were sitting in the backyard singing. I recorded you. And you were chosen to debut."

Yn pulled back, but held Amelia's shoulders. Amelia looked like she was going to cry.

"Thank you! I love you so much!"

Soon tears fell from both the girls eyes. They were crying happy tears. They sat down togather on the couch, and talked for hours about how much they were going to miss each other.

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