🤍Part 7 🤍

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Yn came into her office, but it seemed different. The cabinets were pushed closer to her desk, and there was a second desk in the corner. Then she remebered, she has a manager now. 

"Great, company."

Her voice was cold, but she still laughed a little. She sat down in her chair, and started to sign the documeents she had brought in. A few minutes later, the knock could be heard.

"Come in!"

Jungkook came in, with his supplies for the day.


He bowed a little, and she nodded, not looking up. He frowned at this. He shrugged and walked to his new desk. Then, Yn noticed it was him.


"Yes, ma'am?"

"Oh, its you. Here, you need to fill out these sheets, and bring them to Miss Emily on the 17th floor."

Both their voices were cold. She got up and gave him the documents. She sat back down. Then, someone knocked on the door. 

"Come in!"

A man came in.

"Ah, Mr. Hwang. Welcome."

She held her hand out for a shake. He walked to her desk and shook her hand.

"Very nice to meet you, babygirl."

He looked at her, in a weird way. He hadn't noticed Jungkooks presence yet. She fake coughed and let go. Meanwhile, Jungkook was fuming a little. He thought:"What the heck? You are probably 20 years older than her!"

The more Mr. Hwang and Yn talked, the more uncomfortable she got. She put her hand on the table, talking sternly. Then, he put his hand on top of hers.

"Stop playing hard to get. I know you are thinking about-"

He was cut off by her slap. She stood up. 

"Mister, you are fricking married! If I was your wife, I'd divorce you on the spot. Leave my company, and don't ever come back. If you do, then I won't slap you so softly next time."

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