🤍 Part 16🤍

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Jungkook didn't sound so drunk.

"Jungkook? Did you- no, you wouldn't... Jungkook you aren't drunk, right?"

His head seemed to be spinning, and he still seemed kind of drunk. Drunk, as in you understand everything thats going on, but not considering what they are doing themselves.

" Wh-what?...Yn...I didn't drink..."

He sounded like he did drink, but I was still worried.

"Jungkook, dont lie. If you are not drunk, then tell me."

Jungkook smiled.


He fell asleep. His head landed on my lap, as I was still sitting on the couch. My breath hitched...he looked so cute. I remembered what had just happened. Wait, that was my first...

"Yn! I'm home!"

Taehyung oppa came in. He stopped, gaped at Jungkook lying on my lap. His eyebrows raised.

"What happened here?"

I didn't have an answer. I looked down at Jungkook, and saw my lipstick color on his lips. Tae oppa didn't notice it.

"He was drunk, and he fell asleep."

Tae oppa nodded.

"Do you know where he lives?"

Oppa shook his head.

"He was going to move into Hyungs house, but they kept laying it off."

I nodded. Slowly, I pushed his head off my lap and got up.

"Are you hungry?"

I asked Tae oppa. He shook his head. I looked at Jungkook, and went to get a blanket for him. I went to the hallway to get it, and Oppa went in his room. I walked back to the couch, where Jungkook was sleeping. I put the blanket on him. I knelt down to him and ruffled his hair.

"You probably won't remember this. Good night, first kiss."

I kissed his forehead and left...

not knowing about my audience.

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