🤍 Part 25 🤍

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"I remember it all..."

*                                   *                            * 


Act cool. Act cool. Just tell her. Tell her that you know we kissed. Easy. If you get fired, it's fine. Jimin hyung can find you another job. The moment she walked in, memories of last night came to my mind. She was so pretty, I had to admit. Why was I so dumb? That feeling in my stomach was butterfly's.


She asked. I motioned for her to calm down.

"I was drunk, Miss Yn."

"Jungkook, what do you mean? Nothing happened last night."

She was being stubborn, wasn't she?

"Yn, we-"

"No, nothing happened last night, Jungkook."

"Miss Yn, I'm sorry-"

"No, I'm sorry, because I'll have to fire you. Not now, because I need help. Later, when you are done your duties."

That felt like a punch in the gut. Yn was firing me... for good. Just when I had worked up to confess something, it had been held against me, again.

"Yes, ma'am."

She nodded, biting her lips, and headed toward her desk. Yn seemed to blush, and I couldn't help doing the same. For the next few hours, we kept on working in awkward silence.

At the end of the day, we parted ways, I went to Hyung's house, and she went home. When I entered the house, there was a questionable silence. No "Hyung he took my chicken!", no "Namjoon, why'd you do that?!" and no "Jungkook's home!" Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

"Hyungs! I'm home!"

No answer. Maybe they went outside. I took my shoes off and hung my jacket. I walked into the living room, thrown back in surprise.


Everyone was sitting quietly on the couch, which was out of the ordinary. Even Tae hyung was here since normally he'd wait for Yn to get home, then come here.

"Sit down, Jungkook." Namjoon hyung said.

For some reason, I didn't like his voice.

As I sat down, all my hyungs except Jimin hyung, who looked hurt, eyed me down.

"Jungkook, why did you kiss her?"

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