🤍Part 28 🤍

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"Is it true? What you said to her about me?"

*           *          *

I looked at him confused, then it came to my mind. I had told Yn that... Oh, no. I am such an idiot. 


His eyes moved to the ground, but he glanced back at me. His hands were clasped together, his elbows on his knees. He looked serious.

"Is Yn actually...running after me, Jungkook? Is that what you think?"

His eyes seemed a little darker than they normally did, and I understood how serious this was.

"I...Ever since I saw her, hyung, she made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. And...that night when you got me the job...I saw you with her, and I got so jealous. She looks just like a goddess, you know that, she's related to Tae hyung."

He smiled at that. Jimin hyung took a deep breath.

"I suspected her too, you know. When I introduced her to Chaemin, she fake smiled. She didn't seem happy, but she never acted so clingy. I liked that about her, but...she was Tae's sister. I remember when I was younger, I had crushed on her. I had told Taehyung about it. He smacked my head and said, 'That's my sister, pabo!' Ah, you should've seen how mad he was. Anyway, after that, I learned my place, and never thought of her as more than a friend.

I nodded and looked back at my feet. Tae hyung was really mad. Was it about Hana?As if reading my mind, Jimin hyung asked.

"Jungkook, I heard him say Hana. What was that about? Didn't they break up 2 months ago?"

"He never told you guys?"

"Never told us what? What happened, Jungkook?"


He waited for me to finish the sentence, and I gathered up my confidence.

"We all know that hyung dated Hana Noona for 9 months. Well, after he introduced all of us, Hana became clingy. She'd cling to me whenever hyung left the room like a koala. She'd ask weird questions, but I kept rejecting her. I never liked her hyung, but she was all weird. I thought about telling hyung, but I didn't want hyung to be mad at me, so I never told him. One day, when only I was home, Tae hyung decided to bring Hana over, even though I told him not to. He joked around, saying I was only jealous that I didn't have a girl. So when she came over, she winked at me, and I almost threw up. We started watching a movie, and halfway through we decided to take a break. Hyung got up and went to the washroom, leaving Hana with me, alone. She came close to me, pulling herself closer. I tried pushing her away, but that girl had strength."

Jimin hyung nodded. "That's another reason Tae liked her, her strength."

"Well, she started kissing my face, hugging me so tight, and I landed on my back, with her on top of me. I tried pushing her away, but if I hurt her, she would scream. Believe me, hyung. She pushed herself on me, but I didn't. Hyung came in, and when he saw her on top of me, he went bonkers. He screamed, and Hana jumped off of me like I was some type of disease. She started fake crying, and hyung believed her over me."

"Hana...did that to you?"

"So you weren't lying?"

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