🤍 Part 27 🤍

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"H-hyung, is it t-true?"

*                           *                       *

I asked. Jin hyung looked up at me.

"Jungkook...I think he means it..."

There was silence once again.  I took a step backward, and Jimin hyung ran to me. He hugged me. 

"I'm sorry...it's all my fault."

Jimin hyung hugged me tight, but for once I didn't hug him back. Another moment of silence passed, and Tae hyung took a step back, then suddenly ran to his room.


Yoongi hyung stood up, and everyone turned to him. He walked towards me.

"We know it's not your fault. He's just protective."

He wiped away one of my tears, then retreated to his room. Jimin hyung didn't let go of me, and he started crying. One by one, everyone hugged me and went to their rooms.

"Don't worry, Jungkook. Taehyung will come back eventually. You know him."

"Jungkook, there's food in the fridge, eat if you are hungry." (guess who said it)

"Try dancing, it might take your mind off of everything."

"Try resting."

After everyone left, Jimin hyung and I sat down and started talking. 

"You were there?"

"No, I was coming in from the back door, but I saw you two."

"Why'd you just stand there?"

"Jungkook, I'm sorry. I know it seems like I was not minding my own business, but I was there to check up on her. Then, I saw you talking with her - believe me - you guys looked so happy. And then- you...know what happened. Please don't be mad."

"I'm not mad hyung."

"Was it true? What you said to her about me?"

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