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(A/N: Filler chapter! Not really important!)

"Hey... Cassie..." Peter mumbles in order to not disturb Cassie, who was in the Art room painting. She jumped anyways.

"Hi." She muttered as she stroked the white canvas with a streak of watery red. It dripped down the canvas slowly, trickling like blood.

"What are you... painting?" Peter asks hesitantly.

"An abstract piece for Art class." Cassie grumbled, her angry tone and oddly consice words upset Peter.

"Look, Cassie. I'm sorry." Peter said loudly, filling the room up with his voice.

"For what? I don't know what you're talking about, Peter." Cassie sighed, spraying dot's of black with her paintbrush.

"Ouch. Guess I deserved that one..." Peter chuckled softly, his shoulder slumped slightly.

"You left me..." Cassie said, blinking her tears away quickly as her face flushed with anger and sadness.

"You left me first..." Peter mumbled.

"That's not fair, Peter." Cassie said, finally turning to Peter with a sudden flash of anger. "And you know it. You know I had to leave because of my dad! You know it!"

"I'm sorry! Okay? I'm really really sorry!" Peter exclaimed.

"Sorry?! You promised you wouldn't forget me, Peter!"

"I didn't forget you!"

"Then why'd you act like it!"

"I didn't mean to!" Peter burst out, gulping as he saw Cassie's hand clench on her paint brush until it, eventually, snapped. Just like her patience for Peter.

"Shoot..." She grumbled as the paint brush splattered black watercolor paint on her smock. She got up to the tape dispenser and quickly wrapped the paint brush in tape.

"Look... you just seemed... like you didn't... need me anymore." Peter confessed as he turned his face away from her hard gaze that immediatley softened.

"I did need you..." Cassie muttered, her shoulders slumped but her hand still clenched around her taped up paint brush, "You're my bestfriend, Peter..."

"Yeah...I know..." He uttered, "I didn't mean to. I just... thought you forgot about me! You had new friends, a new...look...you just...changed."

"I'm still me! People change, Peter." Her nrown eyes, that usually showed happiness, had never held such a look of hatred. 

"I just wished you hadn't changed without me..." He sighed sadly. She scoffed and turned away from him, starting to paint agian, using a watered down blue.

"I'm not any different than I was 5 years ago. I'm still the same Cassie. I still like the stuff I used to like..." She muttered as she stained the canvas with blue.

"Yeah...I just...didn't know if you remembered me..." Peter said sadly, he was now fidgeting with his hands, picking at his nails.

"I did remember you. It's kinda hard to forget someone you've known since second grade." Cassie chuckled dryly to herself. 

"I just missed you a lot. And... I'm a loser. And a nerd. And you're... you..." Peter breathed out.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked curiously as her sadness slowly faded away and was replaced with anger. At herself and Peter.

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