Chapter 2

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Feralkit and the other three kits snuck out of camp. Darkkit bounded forward, but ended up flopping on his belly in the leafbare snow.
"Ugh! I honestly though the snow would melt by now.." Liontail muttered in annoyance.
The kits heard her and hid in a bush and began to become interested.
"I think they snow's pretty!" Bluepaw squeaked.
"Oh, stop whining Liontail. Listen to Bluepaw! " Heatherstorm told her.
"I think it's cool too!" Liontail's apprentice, Sootpaw piped up
"Yeah, but it can also freeze you to death.." Her friend, Silverleap mewed.
"Alright, so today we will be showing you all how to escape a fox.." Blackflight mewed.
The apprentices gasped. Sootpaw became excited. "Cool!!"
Silverleap giggled and called back her apprentice.
Bluepaw looked up at Blackflight excitedly, ready to see what was going to happen.
"Since it's nearly spring, young foxes come out their dens, we won't be taking on older ones." Heatherstorm explained to them.
Liontail saw a fox no more than a couple of tree lengths away.
Silverleap saw the fox as well, she smiled made a signal to the others and said, "How about we show you?"
"Silverleap, Heatherstorm, you two hide in that bush in the far left, Liontail, far bush on the right, and I hide where the apprentices are.." Blackflight instructed.
They all nodded and did as they were told. Bluepaw smiled and fidgeted excitedly.
The kits blinked, eager filling their eyes.
The fox appeared. Red furred and bushy tailed. It walked aimlessly around WolfClan's border. Incredibly naive.
Silverleap beckoned Heatherstorm over to the bush Blackflight had shown. She watched through the branches of bush as the russet colored fox approached closer.
The WolfClan cats have been studying the fox's movement every so often for the past quarter moon. So, the fox's moves would be very predictable.
"Wow..." Feralkit muttered silently. He saw that Blackflight was dropped in a crouch, ready to leap.
Silverleap swayed her tail up to lure it. The creature saw and slowly trotted. It looked around for brief moment. Liontail swayed her golden tabby tail. The russet fox approached her bush this time.
"It's all about misdirection..." Blackflight muttered to the apprentices.
Feralkit blinked intensely. 'Misdirection...' The young kit thought.
With a screech Liontail sprang out of the bush claws unsheathed. Surprised the fox stumbled.
They all leaped out and at the fox. Blackflight hissed at it and backed away as it barked at him.
"Remember, our motive is to outsmart it and scare it.." He reminded them.
"We know..!" The three she-cats meowed.
The fox had it's lips drew back in a snarl.
Heatherstorm raked her claws across the foxes flank to distract it from Blackflight. She quickly dodged a snap. The fox backed away and fell into the almost non-icy lake. It scrambled to it's legs, shook the water off of it's pelt then ran away.
'Take that you stupid fox!' Feralkit thought to himself.
"That was so cool!" Fallenpaw cheered. "Yeah! Heatherstorm clawed his flank!" Bluepaw meowed.
"Can we get back to camp?" Liontail asked.
"Alright, alright. It is rather cold.. Let's go." Blackflight meowed with a flick of his black tail.
The kits all rushed into camp, before the other cats could make it to the entrance.
"That was awesome!" Darkkit meowed. Lightkit hissed at him. "Keep your jaws shut flea-brain!"
They all bounded back to the nursery.

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