Chapter 31

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Feralstorm went for Fang. The ViperClan deputy, Whiteshimmer, clawed a cat's face.
"ViperClan,show no mercy!" Birchstar yowled.
"WolfClan,show no mercy as well!" Duskstar ordered. The two leaders clawed cats left and right. Suddenly,a fire started! Hollyflight stared up."I was right..".'A fiery haze will strike and two cats will rise but one will fall'.
"You fools cannot defeat us! You shall perish in ashes!" A ginger she-cat hissed to Jadepelt. "Not if you do first!" the WolfClan she-cat meowed and tackled her. Jadepelt clawed her side. The ginger she-cat yowled."Grahh!!"
She headbutted the calico she-cat and rushed towards her. Fast as a bird, Jadepelt's paw flew out and slashed deep into Bloodroot's neck. The blue eyed AshClan cat fell limp. The green eyed she-cat hissed and leaped off. A cat slithered behind her and lunged for her."Jadepelt look out!" Lillytail wailed. The she-cat looked behind her. Her daughter ran and attacked the cat. She bit the attacker's neck and let go."Thank you."she mewed. The tan mottled she-cat replied with a nod as they leaped into battle.
Dusty tackled a black cat. "You bloodthirsty coyotehearts!"
"You and your clans may prove yourselves as worthy, but in the end we will all know who this forest will belong to!" the black tom hissed as he clawed Dusty's nose. The molted tan tom stumbled off. The cat leaped on his back."Get off me you fool!"the tom growled. He stumbled to a tree and began hitting him against it repeatedly. Dusty grunted,hoping for the tom to loose his grip.The cat flew off.The WolfClan warrior unleashed a battle cry and clawed from his neck to his belly. Blood painting the ground. The blue eyed tom looked and saw Lynx running. "She's getting away!"
Darkshadow looked up."Feralstorm!"
The tan tabby tom looked."This is it.." he muttered to himself as he ran after her. "Son!" his father called. The green eyed tom stopped and looked to his dad. "This is my fight father. I am destined for this."
Jadepelt nodded to Dusty. "Bring her down...I know you will."
The WolfClan warrior nodded and ran to chase her. He caught her scent despite the forest in flames. He leaped in. The tom gasped. "Our''s-"
"In flames and ashes" a voice purred. Lynx slinked in front of him a treelength or so away. "You!" Feralstorm hissed. "You did this!!"
The chestnut pelted she-cat ran for him. The WolfClan warrior ran for her. The two cats shrieked and hissed at each other. Lynx pinned him down and clawed his ear."Grah!!"
The tom clawed her face. He pushed with his back legs and got up and clawed her face again. "You've hurt these clans for too long Lynx! It's over!"
The dark green eyed AshClan cat clawed his neck. Feralstorm's eyes widened as he looked at his wound then to Lynx in front of him, cackling maniacally. He blinked his eyes trying to stay alive, but there was no use in him doing so.
I'm sorry StarClan...I tried..
Then, he saw a starry path.

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