They all returned to WolfClan camp. Hollyflight took Dustkit and Lizardkit to Liontail and Ottertail."Mommy! I was chasing a mouse! Then I got my tail caught in a thing! Then I-"
"Oh your tail! Are you okay? Lizardkit your tail!! Oh StarClan!" Liontail shrieked as the amber eyed kit stared confused at his mother. "Liontail relax," Ravenfeather mrowed. "You know young ones and their energy these days."
"I guess you of all cats would remember those days huh?" Ottertail joked. "You young cats seem to never stop acting like kits these days." the elder licked his whiskers. Blackflight purred in amusement. He and Silverleap were mates now. "I wonder what it's like to have kits.." Silverleap mewed. Her mate blushed slightly."I bet a joy."
Feralpaw walked up to Lightpaw with a vole in his jaws."Hey,Lightpaw?"
"Yeah?"she mewed. He placed it at her paws."I-uh..thought you might be hungry."
She purred sweetly. "Thanks Feralpaw" she took a bite.
"Do you want some?"
"Okay!" he chirped as he lowered himself on his belly beside her and started to eat the prey with her. She gave the tom a gentle smile. Feralpaw licked her head. She purred."I-I...uh" the young apprentice stammered. "It's okay"Lightpaw purred.
The two were done eating their prey."Hey,wanna go by lake?" Feralpaw meowed."Sure!" she replied. Hawkleaf walked up the two apprentices."Where are you two busy cats going?"."We're gonna go play by the lake dad!" the light brown and white apprentice chirped with glee. "Make sure to have one of the elders or your mentors or other warriors go with you." he meowed. Lightpaw and Feralpaw groaned annoyed. "Well you should," the red/brown tom pointed out. "Ever since these attacks started, we need to make sure all cats are safe. That goes for apprentices, who want to leave camp, be sure to have guardian leave with them and watch them. I just left a discussion with Duskstar, Onefang, Dusty, and your moms about this and left it to me and Dusty to tell everyone in the clan."."Okay Hawkleaf, c'mon Lightpaw, lets see if anyone wants to come with us!" Feralpaw meowed as he padded off. She followed behind. The light tan tabby tom apprentice walked up to the elders."Hey Ravenfeather? Me and Lightpaw are gonna go play by the lake. Wanna come?"
"Are you mousebrained?!" Crescentwing asked the apprentice. "Don't worry Crescentwing, I may be old, but these paws can still carry me.." Ravenfeather mewed. "With all that's happening Ravenfeather, and your age you must be careful.." Mothshine replied worriedly. He gently licked her cheek."Don't worry."
Mothshine took a moment to think and then nodded and mewed. "Alright then."
"Yay! Lets go!" Feralpaw cheered as he bolted faster than a fox. Ravenfeather meowed a small chuckle and called after the two apprentices,"I maybe able to go but wait up!"And then bounded after them himself. The two waited. Ravenfeather caught up and swatted both of their ears gently with his tail, "Let's stay together now." Ravenfeather mewed as he padded on. The two smiled. "Yeah we know,dad told us." Lightpaw mewed. Ravenfeather smiles and closed his eyes and started walking freely. Lightpaw tagged Feralpaw as the ran around and started playing. Feralpaw yowled,"No fair!" And started chasing Lightpaw."Hehehe!"
Ravenfeather sat down and watched the two of them as they bickered back and forth playing their game. A rustle in the bushes sounded. Ravenfeather looked at the bushes and backed away towards the two apprentices and hissed, "You two behind me now!"
The two apprentices obeyed. Feralpaw's eyes stretched wide. A dark gray tabby cat appeared. It was one of the cats from AshClan! Lightpaw flattened her ears."Ah! It's one of them!"
Ravenfeather hissed and got into a hunters crouch. "What do you vermin want?!" He hissed at the gray tabby.
"To make you suffer!"the cat yowled as he leaped for the WolfClan elder. Ravenfeather hissed and sprang for the cat. "I'm not called elder because I died in battles!"
"Take me on you old fool! I dare you! You have no help!" he hissed. Lightpaw and Feralpaw hissed and joined Ravenfeather yowling at the same time, "He's not alone!"
"Aww two little ones came to help,how adorable." he cooed. Ravenfeather took this moment as the cat was looking at the two smaller cats and latched on to the cats neck."Gaahh!!!" he shrieked as he stumbled to the lake and batted endless claw marks on Ravenfeather. The WolfClan warrior hissed and held the tom under the water cutting off his air. He wrapped his paws around his neck and pulled him under! The two apprentices gasped. "Ravenfeather!" Feralpaw cried. Ravenfeather smirked under the water for the tom has fallen for his trap. The last thing the tom saw was the elder as he began to sink. Lightpaw and Feralpaw sat restless and in worry near the water waiting for the elder to return to the surface. The tom appeared as he coughed up water. Ravenfeather slowly coughed. "Ravenfeather!" The young cats meowed in relief. The tom was drenched and was coughing up water."Quick! We need to get him to the medicine cat's den!" Lightpaw yowled. The two hauled him back to camp."Hollyflight!" Feralpaw yowled upon entering the camp with Lightpaw and Ravenfeather. The she-cat walked out of the den."Ravenfeather! He's soaking wet." Lightpaw mewd quickly to Hollyflight as she helped her and Feralpaw get the tom into the den. "A tom from AshClan came and fought with Ravenfeather and he fought with him into the lake and got all wet!"
"He doesn't look good.." Lightpaw added concerned. The elderly blue eyed tom coughed and wheezed water, which caused him to cough more. Mothshine came to see what happened."Ravenfeather!"
Ravenfeather chuckled a meow as he coughed up water and meowed, "Told you not to worry Mothshine, I'm still alive and well."
"Yeah, but you're all wet" she meowed. "Well? Well?! You're coughing up water and not breathing right! Well?! That's not well you mouse-brain!" Hollyflight hissed. "Sheesh,at times I question whether you should be a medicine cat Hollyflight." Ravenfeather mewed. Hollyflight stuck her muzzle in ravenfeathers face and hissed, "I said it once before and I'll say it again, if you all don't watch it I'll show you the warrior in this medicine cat."
Lightpaw just stared through wide eyes. Hollyflight lashed her tail as she hissed, "Ravenfeather if you're so well you can walk on your own paws and get me fresh kill then get outta my fur!"
"Hollyflight,calm down"ca voice ordered. The cats turned to find Tigerclaw. Hollyflight hissed and growled then stuck her muzzle in the air and padded into the medicine cat's den. Tigerclaw followed behind along with the other cats. Ravenfeather gently lowered himself on his belly in a nest in the medicine cat's den. Feralpaw began to watch secretly with wide eyes. Hollyflight stuck her head where the herbs are stored, grabbed a mouth full of different herbs she needed and then started to work on Ravenfeather using rough but tender paws,hissing things to herself. Tigerclaw stared at her. He formed a gentle smile. Ravenfeather was coughing up more water, Hollyflight watched him for a bit then hissed and hit his back with her paw to make him stop then got back to work. Tigerclaw nodded. "Press hard along the back but not too hard." He mewed to her.
Hollyflight looked over at Tigerclaw and snapped, "I know what I'm doing!" She hissed at him and turned back to work on Ravenfeather. The tabby medicine cat rolled his eyes. "Of course."
Hollyflight finished her work, put the extra herbs away, scoffed Ravenfeather's and Tigerclaw's ears with her paws and tails, then padded out of the den."What's with your attitude lately?! You say I'm as stubborn as a badger!" Tigerclaw meowed. Hollyflight stopped mid-pad and looked back at Tigerclaw and scoffed,"Quiet tom or I'll have you back in the apprentices den!" and with that, she padded out and down to the fresh kill pile. He snorted,not wanting to argue anymore.
Feralpaw, having seen enough padded into the apprentice's den. "Lightpaw you alright? You seem I don't know, shaken." Feralpaw mewed.
"It's just that, I thought that Ravenfeather had died in the lake.." she whimpered. He began to feel bad until he heard Ravenfeather chuckle again and mew at them,"Takes more then a little swim to kill this old geezer."
A smile was on the hazel eyed apprentice's face. "See! He's fine." Feralpaw purred reassuringly. Lightpaw perked up and joined in amazement, "But did you see Hollyflight?! And I thought dad and Duskstar were tough!"
"I thought my dad or Tigerclaw could get mad,but Hollyflight.." Feralpaw shuddered. "We gotta go tell the others! And ask the elders about how Hollyflight was when she was a kit and apprentice!" Lightpaw meowed in delight."Yeah! Lillypaw and Darkpaw gotta hear this!" Feralpaw meowed as he saw the two bound to the apprentice's den. Both yowled in delight. Lillypaw was sitting with Darkpaw."Lillypaw! Darkpaw!" Feralpaw called. "You won't believe what what we, well Feralpaw really, just saw with Hollyflight!!" Lightpaw squeaked.
"What was it?" Darkpaw meowed to his sister. Lightpaw replied, "She was so tough! I've never seen her so mad and angered! It was sweet!"
"Wow! You'd expect another warrior but Hollyflight of all cats?" Lillypaw asked. "I know! We are gonna ask the elders what Hollyflight was as a kit and apprentice, wanna come?!" Lightpaw asked. "Sure!"cDarkpaw meowed with joy. Feralpaw bounded out and called to them,"Well let's go!"
They all followed behind. Lightpaw bounded ahead of Feralpaw and walked into the elder's den. Mothshine was curled in her nest. The apprentices padded over and sat beside Mothshine's nest.bShe saw them."Hello little ones."
"We're not little though.."Lillypaw meowed in a mumble.
"Huh,sassy now are we?" Mothshine purred with amusement. Lightpaw dipped her head in respect. "Mothshine, we came to ask what Hollyflight was like when she was a kit and apprentice." she mewed as the others nodded in agreement. "She was as energetic as you youngins."
"There has to be more than that!" Darkpaw yowled. "Yeah! She was so tough and mad earlier! Like a warrior!" Feralpaw meowed. "Oh! I remember this one time when she was an apprentice, she nearly clawed a cat's ear all because they put a beetle in her nest." She mewed. The four cats eyes gleamed with excitement as they looked at Mothshine, the looks in their faces motioned for the elder to continue."Beetles? I don't blame her. Those things are gross!" Darkpaw scowled. "Was she training to be a medicine cat when this happened?" Lillypaw asked. "Yes Tigerclaw made her his medicine apprentice. Medicine cats do train a while before they recieve their warrior name unlike most warriors though." She answered. Lightpaw tilted her head and mewed, "Was she training at one point to be a warrior before medicine cat?"
"All cats are warriors. Young old medicine cat or whatever ranking they recieve,vthey serve their clan. So yeah even before she was apprenticed a medicine cat, she was training to be a warrior." Mothshine explained. "She was so tough and mad earlier! Why is that? I thought dad and Duskstar were tough!" Feralpaw pressed Mothshine on. "I know Duskstar is aging and all but I guess that's what happens when you get old." Mothshine mewed as she licked her paw and brushed it over her ear. "That never answered the question!" The four apprentices half yowled together. "Alright! Alright you bunch. Apprentices these days are always so busy as bees." she grumbled to herself. The red/brown elder cleared her throat. "She was such a fighter as a kit. She used to chase mice even then."
"A kit?! Chasing mice?!" Lightpaw mewed in amazement. "Did she leave camp and do that?!" Lillypaw asked. "Yeah! And it was so funny because Tigerclaw had the most worried expression!" she added humorously. "Tigerclaw had a goofy look on his face when he looked at Hollyflight, why was he so worried that she did that as a kit?" Lightpaw asked. "You know how cats are with kits." Blackflight meowed. Silverleap purred with amusement. "Yeah,they're always concerned they're lost somewhere."
"But why Tigerclaw, of all cats, worried the most?" Darkpaw questioned. "Yeah. You'd think he'd be tough to not be worried but a little bit." Feralpaw mewed to the three cats. "Why don't you ask Tigerclaw yourself? He may know the answer to your questions." Blackflight told them. "Yeah! Thanks Blackflight! We'll go ask him now!" Lillypaw squeaked. "When will be made warriors? I'm tired of waiting for a quarter moon to come!" Darkpaw whined. "Well aren't you anxious to grow up?" Goldensparrow purred as she licked her son's head. Feralpaw swiped his paws at Darkpaw, "What does that have to do with our mission to ask about Hollyflight?" He mewed."She's a warrior. And I wanna know what warrior life is like!" he swiped his paws back. "Wow,would you look at that, they're warriors right now." Heatherstorm purred with amusement. Lillypaw and Lightpaw hissed and pounced onto their brothers as they yowled, "Focus you mouse-brains!!"
"Hey! Get your butt out of my face Lightpaw!" Darkpaw yowled. "Oh shut up and pay attention! And get your face out if my butt!" Lightpaw hissed as she started to fight with Darkpaw.
"Hey," a cat behind them yowled. "What's with all the commotion? I was just taking a nap." Tigerclaw stretched. "Tigerclaw! Just the cat we wanted to see!" Lillypaw mewed as she got off Feralpaw and sat infront of the tom. "Yes. What can I do for you?" he asked the apprentices as he lowered himself on his belly to get comfortable. Feralpaw answered for the others by explaining, "We were just talking to Mothshine about Hollyflight and she said that when Hollyflight left camp as a kit to chase mice you had the most worried expression on your face, why was that?"
"And why did you have a goofy look on your face when you looked at her earlier?" Lightpaw mewed curiously.
"I just got concerned for her. Can't a cat be concerned?"vTigerclaw answered with a question. He then thought on to Lightpaw's question."Goofy? What are you talking about?"
"It was a goofy smile and how you looked at her." Lightpaw answered and Feralpaw nodded. "I'm just proud that she's doing a good job." he replied. Lillypaw tilted her head to think then meowed, "Tigerclaw? It's fine for a cat to be concerned but being the most concerned for a kit that's probably not yours? Why is that? We heard she wasn't even your apprentice yet."
Tigerclaw looked at them. "Her parents. She never knew her parents."
The four cats all tilted their heads in question. "I can't even imagine how that felt. So you watched her, for them?" Darkpaw mewed, finally breaking the silence. "I was the one who found her in the forest after all." Tigerclaw mewed.
"Wow!" Lillypaw meowed. "Anything else you busy kits want to know or do you have your answer?" the blue eyed medicine cat asked. "One last question!" Feralpaw yelped. "She was so tough earlier! Why was that?" Lightpaw asked. "Lets just say she's got a warrior's heart" he mewed gently."That's all? Ok Tigerclaw." Darkpaw meowed. Tigerclaw nodded. The apprentices then padded off.

Warriors Super Edition:Feralstorm's Omen
FanficTwo mates join WolfClan with their kits. The clan's medicine cat, Hollyflight receives an omen from StarClan. Two cats will fight in a firey haze. One will fall from the great rock while one will rise. Will the Clan survive through tragedies, rouges...