Chapter 4

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"Tell us a story Ravenfeather!" Feralkit ordered. The kits all sat in the elder's den. The old black and white tom stretched. "Oh! I know! Tell us how WolfClan came to be!" Darkkit meowed. "All right youngsters." Ravenfeather cleared his throat. "Well long ago a nameless tom journeyed through the mountains. He ran into a pack of wolves. He learned their ways. Ever since then, he was named Wolf then Wolfstar." Ravenfeather explained. "He didn't get eaten by wolves?" Darkkit asked. "Of course not." Crescentwing replied. The elder purred with amusement. "Wow..that's some amazing story.." Feralkit said paying attention. "Why, we were just about your age when we were told this story." Mothshine meowed. The kits all stared at the elderly cats with awe."Really?" Lightkit asked. Mothshine licked her whiskers."Yes."
"WolfClan is the best clan!" Darkkit chirped."Oh you young ones and your speech." Crescentwing purred. Jadepelt purred with amusement as she sat beside her mate outside of the elder's den."I just love our children." She mewed to Dusty.
"As do I my love." He meowed.
Onefang got a mouse from the fresh kill pile. "Onefang."
The ginger and white tom turned to Duskstar. "I need to have a discussion with you." The charcoal tom flicked his tail for his deputy to follow him to the leader's den. Onefang followed with the mouse in his jaws. The two toms sit in the leader's den. Onefang placed the mouse down beside his paws."What is it Duskstar?"
"As you know I am on my sixth life. And with this news, you are soon to be leader."
"Yes Duskstar."Onefang meowed.
"I should lose my lives quicker than you may like." Duskstar joked, but also sounding serious at the same time. "Plus with that Lynx attacking, it is my duty as leader to whatever it is to save my clan" He told him. Onefang licked his whiskers."But Duskstar--"
"This discussion is over Onefang.You can tend to whatever it was you were doing before." The green, emerald eyed leader told him."B-but Duskstar-"
The leader whipped his head to the ginger and white tom. "I said this discussion is-"
The tom scampered with his mouse."Great StarClan, I know you're getting old, you don't have to act like your getting a tick in your fur." The WolfClan deputy grumbled. He then went to sleep in the warrior's den as it was Moonhigh.
Feralkit was asleep in the nursery. He was suddenly dreaming. He was in the middle of the forest. He saw a big dog. He gasped. "Who are you?"
The big dog was grey and white. It ran off.
Feralkit raced after it. "Hey! Wait!" He ran after it.
The creature looked into the young kit's eyes. "You are to hold a spirit in the name of your Clan.."
The tan tabby kit blinked. "What...?"
He woke up. His green eyes scanned the den of the nursery. He was in camp. In his nest beside his mother.

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