Chapter 9

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"I blame Feralpaw and Darkpaw!"."Hey!!"Darkpaw shrieked. Feralpaw looked shocked but then sighed. It really was his fault. "She's right..
Darkpaw looked shocked. "What?!" "Well if you two hadn't have wanted to check out the dark section of forest then we wouldn't have been chased and we wouldn't have been in this mess!" Lightpaw told Darkpaw. "Darkpaw?" the calico short pelted tom tapped a paw irritably. Goldensparrow stood beside Hawkleaf."I am disappointed in you Darkpaw".Dusty stared at his son."Dad I'm sorry." Feralpaw mewed, ashamed. "Are we all in trouble?" Lillypaw asked her parents. Dusty sighed. He wasn't intending on reacting in such a away."It's alright you're only apprentices so you couldn't have known." The molted tan tom was just concerned for their safety. "And no, no you're not in trouble." Jadepelt answered to Lillypaw.
"Aww! Mouse dung! I don't have any Poppy seed along with juniper berries!" Tigerclaw growled. Just then he saw Feralpaw who padded up to him."Oh! Hello Feralpaw!" he greeted. Feralpaw stepped cautiously over a stray pile of chervil. "Do you wanna come on an adventure with us?"
"If it means me getting more herbs then sure. I need more herbs." he responded. Hollyflight picked up the pile of chervil and placed it neatly in a crack in the wall of the medicine cats den. "You see why we have these Tigerclaw?" she asked angling her ears to the wall of the medicine cats den.The scarred tom responded by implying,"But I love having all the herbs at a paw's-reach.."
The gray pelted and amber eyed medicine cat gave a confused yet annoyed look. "So you rather have our herbs where they can stepped on?"
"Other cats should just watch out for them..." He muttered under his breath. "Riiiight" Hollyflight meowed sarcastically and rolled her eyes.
Tigerclaw brushed past her. Lightpaw's eyes lit up as she had an idea."We should go get some! Go on an adventure!"
"We just went on an adventure and look what happened!" Lillypaw argued. "Lets get our mentors to come with us." Darkpaw added, breaking up the argument."Is Sootfur going to want to come on an adventure to get juniper berries?" Lightpaw asked, doubtfully. "Not likely." Darkpaw responded. Tigerclaw stepped up. "Which is why he's staying here."
Just then, Sootfur looked up from his nest in the warrior's den. "What?!"
"Relax, I'm just about to set up a patrol. Which I might you will be apart of, so come on." Onefang meowed getting up, with Sootfur behind him.
"Overall Hollyflight, our stocks running low and this apprentice is offering to help. So, Darkpaw, just you?"
The young tom shook his head with a no. "It's Feralpaw, Lillypaw and Lightpaw."
Tigerclaw looked kinda socially awkward, to which he flattened his ears."Oh, so just you four?"
"And maybe Bluejay, I don't know if she will want to come along." Darkpaw answered."Okay!" Tigerclaw meowed.

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