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Mr. Ben ^^

57 years


I woke up with a yawn and tried to stretch, but someone was lying on my arm.

When I looked down, James and I were cuddling. We were both on our side facing one another and he had his big head was on my arm.

I tried to move, but he let out a whine, placing a hand on my chest.

"Five more minutes." He grunted out still half asleep.

I looked at him and chose to get up anyway. If I was up, I couldn't go back to sleep.

I dragged my arm from under him and sat up against the headboard.

"I said five more minutes damnit." He snarled, quickly rewrapping his arms around me and laying on my chest.

"You know I can't go back to sleep." I told him. I started rubbing his head, just looking at him. He had cut his hair since the last time I had seen him.

He groaned dramatically. "Now, I can't go back to sleep cause you keep staring."

He leaned up to peck my lips. "Good morning."

I deepened the kiss, now holding his waist. I missed him.

He moaned, moving so he was now on my lap. He started running his hands through my beard. He knew that made me crazy.

I pulled away before I could hop on him.

He whined as I pulled away. He started kissing at my face, my cheek, my lips, my facial hair.

We needed to stop. His son and nephew were here, and it was still morning.

"Baby, c'mon. We should stop." I told him. I always had to be the voice of reason between us.

He paused and started looking for his alarm clock.

"Shit, it's already 8. I shoulda made breakfast an hour ago. Darius probably already getting ready for work. That mean Devonte should be getting up too." He started rambling as he frantically started running around the room.

"And if Darius doesn't get his food. He'll probably be hungry at work and fall asleep and get fired. Then I woulda failed him as father." He continued.

I chuckled. He was cute when he got like this. He really cared about his son and nephew. I wish I could say I did too, I haven't met them even though we've been together for almost 6 years.

"Baby." I called to him. He was struggling to put on his pants and shirt at the same time.

"Baby." I said again a bit stricter. He listened this time, stopping his movements.

I walked up to him and grabbed his face in my hands. "Calm down."

I pressed a kiss to his head. "They are grown men. I'm sure they can make themselves breakfast without you failing them as a father figure."

He finally calmed down and laid his head in my stomach.

"You right. I just want to be there for them."

I smiled. "You're always there for them. Right now, I need you to relax and have a lazy morning with your boyfriend. Who you rarely let see you might I add."

He blushed and swatted at my arm. "You know how I feel about having you around."

"I know." I grunted out, trying not to get angry.

He was scared to come out to his son and nephew. But I keep telling him that how they view him isn't going to change. He's the man that took care of them when no one else did. They'll always respect him for that.

"Aye. Look at me." He pulled me down to his height and looked me dead in the eyes. "It's not about me not loving you."

"I know." I sighed.

"Then why you always bring it up?" He asked.

I didn't say anything else. I wanted us to enjoy our day together. Not spend the whole day agruing.

"Ben. Benjamin." He called.

I didn't answer. I just leaned down and put my hands under his thighs.

He yelped when I picked him up. I dropped him on the bed and dramatically collapsed onto him.

"Benjamin what the hell?" He shouted, swatting my arm.

I started snoring loudly just to annoy him. "I know yo big ass ain't sleep, fool." He chuckled, knowing I was playing.

"Huh?" I said finally. "Sorry, baby. Guess I was still sleepy."

"Sleepy my ass. Gimme a kiss."

I placed my lips on his just as a car alarm went off.

"What the hell?" I mumbled, before pulling away.

"Ben that sound like yo car. Devonte stupid ass probably did something."

I sighed, getting off him to grab my clothes from last night. James followed my lead, wrapping himself with his robe.

I went outside and looked around. I didn't see anything but a car flying down the street. I clicked the alarm off with my key and went back inside.

He was right behind me when I turned around. "I didn't see anyone. But someone was driving away pretty fast."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah. That was my son."

I wrapped my arms around him. "It's okay. They're just kids."

We stayed like that until my stomach started growling. He chuckled. "Let me make something to eat."

I nodded and followed him as he entered the kitchen. I wrapped my arms around him from behind as he stood at the stove. His small self fit perfectly in my arms.

I would love to have a morning like this every day. Morning kisses, maybe an argument and some makeup sex, breakfast. But James had to start being honest with himself. Until then, I suppose I'll wait.

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