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"Oh god, fresh air. Thank goodness. I was going crazy in there, Ray. Crazy!" I said dramatically as we walked outside.

School just got out and I was dying to get out of there. After lunch, I had P.E and English. P.E was the only class I could tolerate so it went well enough. But English, I be wanting to whip they ass. Reading shit about about white protagonists, boring, reading shit from the stone age, boring, reading in general, just boring as fuck.

But it was finally over for today.

She laughed as we turned the corner. "Always so dramatic. So what you wanna do?"

I acted like I was thinking about it, putting a hand on my chin. I definitely wasn't doing homework. I don't do homework on a regular day, let alone the first day of school.

"Let's do what we normally do." I said finally.

She squealed. "Get ice cream from Freddie's, annoy your step-dad and and binge watch Stranger Things!"

"Mhm." I nodded.

It took us longer than expected since some other kids from school was in there. Everybody had armfuls of candy and shit. I mean we did too, but still I was tryna get the fuck out.

Finally, we came through my front door, plastic bags in our hand. Like usual my step-dad was sitting on the couch watching the game.

He's what you call a house husband. Didn't do shit all day but claimed to be working from home. I could care less long as he left me alone, which he did most time. He was better than the niggas who lived here in the past, but he still annoying.

"You home early." He said with a smile. This what I be talking bout, trying too damn hard.

"Mhm." I hummed, giving him a fake smile. I was tryna sneak up the steps but he obviously wanted to have conversation.

"Y'all want anything. A soda, chips.." He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Nah, we cool. Bye." I shuffled upstairs, dragging Ray with me.

"Well, dinner's at 7 like usual." He called up the steps.

I shut the door with a sigh.

Ray was already comfortable in my bed, pulling up the show.

"You know, you should try acting nice. He don't seem that bad." She said, stuffing the ice cream in her mouth.

I joined her, laying across her legs. She passed me a bag of chips to snack on.

We watched like an episode and a half by time 4 o'clock came. Our snack bag was down to just starburst and one half bag of hot chettos. Eh, next time we can go less crazy on the snacks.

"Alright. I gotta go before it gets dark." Ray said finally. I got up and stretched, she did the same.

"Alright. Let me know when you get to the house."

She nodded and headed for the door. "See you tomorrow." She said with a smile.

When the door closed, I hopped right back into bed and pulled up a random  movie on my laptop.

I woke up confused as hell. I looked at my phone and it was 2am. I already missed dinner. Oh well.

I went to lay back down but I heard something slam. I sat up and stared into the darkness, waiting to hear the sound again.

"I'm tired of her, Micheal." It was ma. She must be getting back from work. Her and my step-dad must be talking about me again.

"Baby, it's just the one time."

"No, Micheal. It's every night, every night she doesn't come to dinner. Every day, she's rushing off somewhere. What don't you get? She hates us and she's only twelve. It's no telling how she'll act when she gets to high school."

I rolled my eyes. Oh, she hates me. I'm such a good mother. Why, oh why? It's the same speech every fucking time. If I cared enough, I'd clarify somethings. It wasn't hate persay, but I definitely didn't trust her.

"Maybe she just needs more time."

"It's been an entire year and we've done nothing but try to be there for her. I don't know. She wasn't like this with Cas around. Now, she's just a menace."

Now, she is right about that. Pause. Who the fuck is Cas?

"I fucked up with Casius but I tried to do what was right by her. But I couldn't her protect either."

Casius? Who the fuck are these people.

I decided to tune out the rest of her speech. Mostly cause she was annoying, but I also wanted to know more about this Cas person.

Who the fuck was he? Was it one of her boyfriends or some? Cause I hated all those niggas. A family member? But we ain't have no nobody named Cas in our family.

Imma just shrug it off for now. She'd never tell me anyway if I asked. She'd probably just give a lame ass excuse. It's better to wait. That way, I can be sneaky and find my answers that way.

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