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"Don't you dare."

I suppressed a laugh. Lucas was not at all pleased that I'd invited his brother over to the house. "Jealous?" I said.

"Harper." He practically growled my name. Even over the phone, he sounded so sexy. I shivered, goosebumps prickling my arms. "Keep your hands off him, do you understand?"

"I don't know what you mean," I said. "I'm just being a good neighbor."

"Don't play coy with me, young lady."

"Oh, I'm sorry, was I being naughty?" I twirled a lock of hair with my free hand. "Maybe you ought to come over and spank me."

"I will do no such thing. Put Simon on the phone."

"I'm in my room. Should I ask him to come—"

"No!" His sigh of frustration over the line made me giggle. "Look, I'll call Colleen and clear up this problem. She was supposed to meet him when he arrived. In the meantime, tell Simon to ... uhm..."

"Stay here? Because I'm more than happy to keep him company until your housekeeper arrives."

"I bet you are." He sighed. "Look, let me give Colleen a call and I'll get back to you in a couple of minutes."

He ended the call. I sat on my dresser table and considered my options. Lucas was likely to call my mom and tell her I was at home with a man with no one to supervise me. She might do something stupid like ask her cousin or friend to come over to babysit me.

However, if he thought his brother was safe in the other house, Lucas wouldn't make a fuss.

I smiled when my phone rang.

"Hey, handsome," I said.

He sighed. "Harper, Colleen tells me she gave you the key to the house and asked you to let Simon in."

"Did she?" She totally did, but I adopted the most innocent tone I could muster.

"You know she did. She had to go see her sister who was in an accident and gave you explicit instructions on what to do when Simon arrived. Because that stupid brother of mine refuses to get a cellphone."

"Hmmm... now that I think about it... Yeah, I remember now."


There was that sexy growl again. Did Simon growl like that too? I definitely needed to find out.

"Yes, babe?"

"Stop calling me that, please."

"Sure, honey."

"Whatever. Just take Simon back to my place and let him in, please? I'm sure you have the code for the gate?"

I giggled out loud this time. No matter how many times Lucas changed the combination code, I always managed to get it out of Connor. "Yup."

"Make sure he settles him and— listen carefully — leave him alone."

"That's not very neighborly, is it?"

"Yes, it is. It's in the Bible. Leave thy neighbor alone."

"Oh, pumpkin, you're so funny."

"Don't make me call your mother."

"Hey, that's not fair. Here I am trying to help your brother who's practically homeless right now, and this is how you thank me?"

"Nice try. I know what you're up to."

"Are you implying I'm a slut?"

"What? Uh, no, what I meant was—"

"Maybe I should call Mom. Tell her what you just said to me."

"No, don't do that. I'm just saying, Simon won't be interested in girls your age."

"Unlike you?" I couldn't help smirking.

"Exactly. Wait, no—"

"Did you forget that you're currently banging your son's ex-girlfriend?"

He sighed. "I'm not banging anyone, all right? Madison and I are in love."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"Just... don't upset him okay?"

I smiled. "That's not what I intend to do to him."

"I know exactly what you intend to do with him and he doesn't like that."

I deflated. "Oh. So he only likes boys?"

"Not that I know of."

"But he likes girls?"

He sighed again. "Yes. But he doesn't like being flirted with. It upsets him."

Huh. I chewed my lower lip, thinking. A challenge. "Thanks for the tip."

"No, wait, that's not—"

"Bye, pumpkin!"


"Lucas says Colleen will be back in a couple of days," Harper said, strolling back into the living room followed by a woman in a maid's uniform. "In the meantime, you'll be staying here with me."

"I will?" I said, getting up from the couch. "Did he say why Colleen wasn't at the house?"

"There was an emergency with her sister."

"Is she all right?"

"Apparently. Come on, let me show you to your room. Nadia will bring your things inside."

"Oh, I don't want to impose." It was one thing to invite me over to make a phone call, and quite another to have me stay over when her parents weren't home. Not that I'd do anything improper to the young woman, but I expect her parents wouldn't be happy with the situation. "But thank you for your help. I can stay at a hotel until Colleen returns."

"Don't be silly." She grabbed my hand. "You're Lucas's brother, that makes you practically family."

"Uh, right." I looked around, then down at our entwined fingers. Her family and Lucas must be very good friends if she was acting so familiar with me. "Did your parents say it was all right?"

"Totally. Mom insisted I make sure to give you everything you needed."

"That's... nice of her. Are you sure you don't mind?"

She stepped closer until she was standing so close I could smell the jasmine and roses in her cologne. It was a nice scent. "I told Lucas I'd take good care of you. Make sure you have..." She lowered her gaze down my chest before looking up at me again. "... anything you want."

What an odd way of welcoming me. But then again, I don't know many people her age, except my students and I don't interact with them often outside of class. Maybe that was a Gen Z thing, or whatever demographic they're called these days.

"I'm sure we will." I pulled my hand out of her grasp as politely as I could. "Lead the way."


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