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I was a monster.

I promised Harper I'd never touch her again, and now here I was with my dick buried balls-deep inside her not thirty minutes later. "Fuck, you're so wet," I muttered, tightening my grip on her hips. She was on all fours, moaning as I took her from behind. "You were desperate for me to fuck you again, didn't you?"


Jesus Christ. I thought I'd be done as soon as I had her the first time. I should have known my unnaturally strong sex drive wouldn't let me be satisfied by one fuck. Not with Harper's beautiful naked body pressing against mine as I tried to sleep. Not when all I could think about was how much I wanted to make her moan and scream with pleasure all over again.

She wanted a man with experience.

I'd give her that. And more.

It had been two years since I'd been with a woman. By all accounts, I'd been able to keep my unbridled appetite for sex suppressed, mostly by focusing on work. Maybe it was the long fast that made it too easy for me to succumb to the first stirrings of lust.

And now Harper was taking the brunt of this lust. I was disgusted with myself for using her this way.

"Harder, Simon, harder!" she sobbed. "Please!"

I felt like a criminal, subjecting her to my lechery. Not only had she been so kind to me and so generous with her hospitality, but she was so young. She deserved better than a sex-starved middle-aged man who got a boner at the sight of her in a nightie.

In a feverish fury of thrusts, I fucked her so fast and hard she had to grip the headboard with one hand to keep from slamming into it.

"Ohhhhh God!" she moaned. "Yes! Yes!"

If the housekeeper and the rest of the household didn't hear her screams, I would be surprised. But it was too late now. Before the night was over, everyone would know of my sins.

God help me, but I didn't want to stop. Making love to Harper felt so damned good, so right. She was so warm and wet and tight. A single sexy moan from her sweet mouth sent all my blood rushing to my cock. Hearing her sounds of pleasure as I buried the length of my cock inside her over and over made me want to beat my chest and roar with pride.

She was cumming now. Trembling under my thrusts. Screaming incoherently.

I clenched my teeth and rode her with a firm, steady rhythm, not letting up until she stopped shaking and her screams faded to soft moans of bliss. By the time it was my turn to finally cum, the pleasure was so intense it blinded me for a moment.

"Harper..." I panted. "Oh, fuck... Harper..."

How could I have thought I could resist her? After I had tasted the most sublime pleasure I've ever had with a woman? I couldn't understand how someone so young, someone I'd known less than a day had turned me into a panting, desperate, horny, sex-starved teenager. I was an adult, god damn it. A middle-aged man who prided himself in his self-control. But all that control and discipline flew out the window at the sight of this woman's glorious tits.

It took a while for the last of my orgasm to fade away. And it was even longer before I finally gathered my senses.

"You okay, babe?" Harper said.

"I'm fine," I said, breathing heavily.

Once I pulled out, she rolled onto her back. There was a blissful look on her face as she watched me get up to walk to the bathroom.

Teaching Harper (Tempting Mr. Bedford #2)Where stories live. Discover now