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I got back to the house at around six. I figured I'd stalled long enough. It gave Harper and me enough time to sort things out between us before dinner. Everything would be back to normal by tomorrow morning when, hopefully, Colleen would be back and I could move into Lucas's place.

To my surprise, Harper greeted me cheerfully when I walked into the living room. She didn't seem angry or even slightly annoyed, even though I'd clearly been avoiding her all day.

"I hope you don't mind me leaving so early," I said.

She was sitting on the couch, a book on her lap, which she set aside after sliding a bookmark between the pages she was reading. "No problem," she said. "I'm sure you had stuff to do, having just moved into town."

"Right. Yeah." I sat on a chair beside the couch. "Just getting the lay of the land and all that."

"Well, I hope you like it here because I do." She got up and picked up a shopping bag from the coffee table. "Lucas asked me to get you this."

"What is it?" I took it from her and peeked inside. "Oh."

"It's time, Simon."

I glared at her. "Look, there's a reason I don't have a phone."

"I'm sure you do." She rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, you probably don't need to use it while you're here. You can just use my phone if you want to call Lucas. Do you want to call him?"

"No, I'll call him tomorrow." I glanced at the paper bag in my hand in annoyance. Maybe I could agree to this phone but not give anyone my number. "Look, Harper, can we talk?"

"Sure, what about?" The expression on her face didn't change, her smile still cheerful.

"Uhm..." I look around. None of the servants were about. Still, I wasn't comfortable discussing sex where any of them could just walk in at any second. "Can we go somewhere private?"

As soon as I said the words, it occurred to me that they could be interpreted a different way from how I intended. But Harper only nodded as though she understood that I wanted to talk, as though she expected the request. "Come to the library, I actually have something to show you."

I raised an eyebrow in surprise. "What is it?"

"It's a surprise."


"Amazing," I muttered as I ran my fingers lightly over the edge of the battered leather cover of the antique book. It was one of several volumes of early 16th-century books on display in a glass case.

"I thought you'd wanna see it," Harper said.

She'd led me to the library and showed me her mother's collection of old, rare books. Casually, she unlocked the glass display case so I could see the books better.

"I did indeed." I had my own collection of Renaissance period books back in Boston but it was always a treat to see another person's carefully and lovingly curated collection. "Are you sure your mom won't mind?"

"She put me in charge of taking care of her babies when she's out of town. Anyway, I saw your book on the nightstand and figured you would appreciate these and would be careful enough."

"Yes, I'm a history professor," I said absently looking at another book. This one was Italian poetry from the same publisher. Then her mention of my nightstand reminded me of why we were here. "Er, thank you," I said, straightening.

"History professor, huh?" She took in my outfit — a long-sleeved shirt and chinos. Her expression gave me the impression that what I was wearing did not make sense to her. Then her gaze grew sly when she raised her eyes to meet my gaze. "That's hot."

Teaching Harper (Tempting Mr. Bedford #2)Where stories live. Discover now