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I never fucked any other professors, I swear.

Damned right she didn't. And she never will. "I'll fucking kill anyone who tries to touch you," I said, grinding out the words between clenched teeth.

Harper's eyes grew wide with surprise. "You wouldn't," she whispered.

I wasn't a violent man. Neither was I a jealous man. But the idea of any of Harper's professors touching her made me burn with rage. I had no right to have her in my bed, but neither did they. "Try me."

She gasped in delight when I moved my hips faster. I fucked her with a furious, brutal intensity, each thrust of my hips sinking myself deep and hard inside her. God, she felt so good and tight and wet. Just like any forbidden fruit, she tasted even sweeter with the knowledge that taking her like this was very wrong. I was a monster. A filthy, sex-starved devil. A lecherous professor taking advantage of a sweet, innocent college girl.

"Fuck me harder, Simon! Harder!"

I was going to hell.

Her hands gripping my shoulders, Harper sank her fingernails painfully into my skin, holding on tightly as I ground my hips into her thighs with each thrust. I would probably be bleeding soon, if I wasn't already. And I deserved it. It wasn't enough punishment for my sins.

"I'm cumming..." she gasped. "Oh, God... Simon... I'm cumming!"

I knew she was. I could feel her tight little body shudder against me, her pussy pulsating around my dick. It was more than enough to break my self control, so I let myself fall over the precipice.

Harper and I came together in a loud cacophony of grunts and moans of ecstasy, each of our bodies grinding and shuddering against the other. Her arms were now around my neck, nearly strangling me with the fierceness with which she clung to me.

I didn't mind at all.

Neither did I mind when, after we'd finally finished and tried to catch our breaths, she cuddled up against me and fell asleep.



I was awoken by the sound of a phone ringing.

Phones were the invention of Satan. A man's life would be so much more peaceful and free of problems if it weren't for this ungodly device that disrupted his classes, his writing work, and his sleep.

Without lifting my head off the pillow, I grabbed the offensive thing. I didn't bother to look at the caller ID before answering. "What?" I growled into the phone.

"Are you always this bright and cheerful in the morning?"

It took me a second to get through my fog of drowsiness and recognize the voice. "Ji-Hye," I groaned. "Sorry. You woke me up."

"You could mute your phone overnight, you know."

I did that. But not last night because...

The events of the previous night came back to me and I sat up, looking around. Harper was gone.

"Dr. Bedford?" Ji-Hye said.

"Sorry. Uh, yeah, I should do that." I glanced at the watch on my wrist. 6 am. "Did we have plans to meet today?"

"Nope. Grab a coffee with me before class?"

"Sure." I paused, thinking. "Why?" I hadn't seen Ji-Hye in a week. Ben mentioned she was out of town.

"I want you to tell me all about your first week, of course."

Ah, my first week of the semester. Let's see. I found out the neighbor I'd been shagging is also one of my students. I spent the whole night explaining to her why we couldn't fuck anymore, then proceeded to drag her into my bedroom to fuck her again.

Teaching Harper (Tempting Mr. Bedford #2)Where stories live. Discover now