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I couldn't sleep.

Try as I might, I couldn't shake off the awareness that Harper was sleeping beside me. It didn't help that she kept brushing her bare legs against mine. Something in the back of my brain kept reminding me how easy it would be to reach out and touch her. How simple it would be to mount her, cover her body with mine. Feel her firm, round breasts which her flimsy nightgown barely concealed—

I had an erection. God damn it.

Why was I even getting excited? It's not like I touched her or anything. Sure, she was young and beautiful and barely clothed and sleeping in the same bed as me, but so what? I had turned off the lamp, I couldn't even see her.

You've seen enough, the voice in my head reminded me. She probably won't mind showing you more.

Shut up, Simon. Go to bed.

I turned away from Harper, to lie on my side. I closed my eyes, hoping for sleep. Instead, the image of Harper in her nightgown appeared in my mind. I imagined sliding the straps down her shoulders, lowering the nightgown until I could see her breasts in their full, naked glory. I imagined spreading my fingers over them, cupping them, squeezing them.

Rolling onto my back, I bit down a moan. Fuck. I needed to get out of there.

But just as I was about to get up, Harper moved.

With one lithe, graceful move, she draped her body over mine. Instinctively, my hands grabbed her waist. A mistake. I found myself tightening my hold on her, entirely against my will.

"I guess you couldn't sleep too," she said, giggling.

"No, I—"

Soft lips pressed against mine. A warm, wet tongue darted between my lips as though to get a taste. "Mmmm..." She ran her tongue over my lower lip. "Maybe I can help."

"Harper, stop," I moaned. "We shouldn't... This is wrong." Even as I protested, my hands decided it was going to slide from her waist down to her ass. It felt so firm and lovely as I stroked and squeezed it.

"I won't tell if you don't," she murmured against my lips.

That was the straw that broke the last vestiges of my self-control. I grabbed a fistful of her hair and gripped it tight as I kissed her hard and deep.

She moaned, thrusting her tongue deep into my mouth. The taste of her lips, the feel of her firm body against mine, the sounds of pleasure she made as I ravished her sweet little mouth sent blood rushing straight to my already rock-hard dick. It throbbed and strained to free itself from my pajamas, eager for me to slide it between Harper's thighs. To fuck her long and hard with it until she cums screaming my name.

With a frustrated growl, I roll us over until I'm on top of her.

"Harper, you need to leave," I said, nibbling her upper lip. "If you don't, I won't be able to stop myself from ... doing things to you."

I moved lower, kissing and licking her throat, her chest. "What kind of things?" she whispered, her voice trembling with excitement.

"Disgusting, vile things. Do you feel that?"

She gasped when I pressed my erection against her thigh. "Oh, yes!"

"I will take that cock and fuck you so hard you won't walk for days.

Teaching Harper (Tempting Mr. Bedford #2)Where stories live. Discover now