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"Simon!" Ben Downs called out to me, practically jumping up from his seat and waving to get my attention from across the crowded bar.

I nodded and headed toward where he and his husband Chris were sitting with large pints of beer and chips on the table.

"How was your flight?" Ben said as we shook hands.

"Fine," I said. "How's the kids?"

"Spoiled as ever," Chris said. We shook hands. "You found an apartment yet?"

"No, I'm meeting with the realtor tomorrow." I took my jacket off as I sat down. "I'm staying at my brother's place in the meantime."

"What can I get your friend?" said a feminine voice behind me.

"Ah, Chloe," Ben said. "This is our new visiting professor of history, Simon. I don't suppose you'll be having a beer, buddy?"

"Just a lemonade, thanks," I said.

"We have a lot of lovely IPAs here. You sure you don't want to try one?" Chloe said.

She moved to stand by my chair and I looked up to see a tall, blonde woman shirt and jeans. Her black apron had the bar's name "Trank" in white letters. "I'm sure."

She smiled. "Ginger lemonade okay?"

"Yes, thanks."

"They have excellent fish and chips here," Chris said.

"Sure, I'll have that."

"Another round for us, gorgeous," Ben said.

"Be right back." Chloe winked at him and disappeared into the crowd.

"Wow, that was quick," he mused. "Usually, we have to launch an APB just to get her attention."

"I think she likes you, Simon," Chris said, smirking into his beer.

"Careful," Ben said. "Don't scare him." At my raised eyebrow, he said, "Do you think I don't notice that you run away when a woman puts the moves on you?"

"I don't run away," I said patiently. "I'm just not interested."

"What about men?" Chris said.

"I'm not interested either."

"But you've dated women," Ben said. "I don't understand."

I shrugged. "Not everything has to be about dating. Can't I just be friends with people?"

"Honey, you barely have any friends either. Apart from me, who else have you hung out with when you visit?"

"I, uhm... There's Matthew."

He rolled his eyes. "That's the janitor. And you only hang out with him because he lets you stay in the library while he cleans."

"I'm busy. I have a book to finish."

"Ohhh, how exciting," Chris said. "What's it about?"

"The women's role in guilds in post-medieval England."

"Don't change the subject," Ben said, giving his husband a chiding look. "Simon, there's more to life than old dusty books and manuscripts."

"Like what?"

Teaching Harper (Tempting Mr. Bedford #2)Where stories live. Discover now