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New York City
August 15th, 2023
7:00 am
Pov Arianna Rose

When I woke up, I found my apartment empty, which I had packed the previous night

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When I woke up, I found my apartment empty, which I had packed the previous night. I picked up the cover I used to make a pallet on and folded it up.

I entered the bathroom where I washed my face and brushed my teeth

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I entered the bathroom where I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Afterwards, I grabbed the clothes that I didn't pack and put them on. I wore my cozy pajama pants and a black cropped top with a black jacket over it.

I'm currently getting ready to leave my apartment to go to college. I'm moving on campus into a one-bedroom apartment, I always felt like the dorms they had were too small for me, I chose a college that provided both options.

Before leaving the apartment, I grabbed the remaining few items I had then took my keys and walked out. Everything was in my truck ready to go.

I got in my truck and drove off towards the airport. I had to fly a good 2 hours and 20 minutes to reach Tennessee, where my college is located. I stopped at McDonald's for a sausage and biscuit with a Carmel frappe before reaching the airport.

I reached the airport quickly since it wasn't very far. After passing through the metal detectors, I headed towards the area where I dropped my bags off in preparation for their loading on the plane.

I shipped out all of my belongings that couldn't fit on the plane, and they are expected to reach Tennessee by tomorrow.

I had never been on an airplane before, I had always been too poor to travel. Even if I had the money, I don't think my parents would have been interested in traveling with me.

"Flight number 190" the person over the intercom said, prompting me get up and start walking to the exit door that would lead outside to the plane.

15 minutes later...

9:15 am

I boarded the plane and found my assigned seat, fortunately for me my seat happened to be next to a window. I hated sitting in the aisle or middle seat.

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