CH: 4

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shubman kisses her roughly, grabbing her waist and colliding their bodies.

"are you always," she speaks in between heavy breaths, "this rough?"

shubman smirks. "why? you're gonna write a cute little article about how good i fucked you?"

the woman moans and holds onto him tighter.

she's a journalist, she'd said during their brief introduction previously. she's really pretty, shubman was surprised to know she's not a model at the very least. she seemed more than eager to accept shubman's proposal for the night, so things went smoothly.

"did you really come here for a one-night stand? or was there supposed to be some kind of deal signing? secret getaway?"

shubman trails kisses along her neck. "did you really try to get info from me while we're having sex?"

the woman chuckles, "sorry, it's a habit."

shubman shuts her up by kissing her again.

it was a satisfactory night for shubman. the sex was good and the woman wasn't clingy or annoying.

shubman notices that his brain isn't forcing him to think about the woman's lips, or her soft curves. it wasn't like this after the 'drunk kiss' incident. but at least, he's not thinking of the faceless man now.

the bliss lasts him for the entire ride back to his hotel.

shubman slowly shuts the door behind him, trying not to wake ishan up. he sees the lamp glowing by the bedside.

and ishan is seen to be nowhere in the room.

that's weird. where'd he go at 1 a.m.?

ishan didn't mention any party or night out. shubman takes his phone out to text him.

"ur not here??? where r u???"

soon he gets a call from ishan.

"where are you, dude?"

shubman can hear some music in the background. "party?"

"yeah! mayank said we should go out since i was alone anyway're in the room, right? i'll, uh, get back in an hour, 'kay?"

oh, he's with mayank.

mayank is an old friend of ishan, they're quite close. not closer than ishan and him, of course.

"oh, and," ishan adds. "there's some gin on the table, mayank's courtesy. enjoy yourself! i think im getting a little tipsy, oops- uh, bye, shubi-"

the call disconnects.

shubman looks to his left and certainly, there's a brand new bottle of gin on the table.

he most definitely swore not to get drunk after the 'incident' but he might as well when he's in company of no one but himself.

ishan will take care of him anyway.

shubman takes the pleasure of pouring one out for himself.

to a successful night of getting laid, cheers.

ishan takes back what he said about having high tolerance. whatever mayank brought him from the bar, that shit was strong as fuck.

it's a surprise he can walk straight to his room. but his vision is starting to play tricks on him. it takes him ten minutes to click open the door.

he doesn't attempt to be quiet. shubman must have passed out anyway.

he enters to see a half naked shubman lying on the bed. ishan scoffs. blacked out again.

"hey, shubi. oi!" ishan says, almost whining. "you're taking up the entire bed. move, fatass."

he tries to move shubman's legs, in vain.

ishan looks down at his face. the guy is sleeping with his mouth open. ishan smiles to himself.

not a very photogenic face you're making, mr. gill.

ishan reaches his hands, carefully caressing shubman's face. fingers gently hovering over his lips.

ishan can't see them clearly in the dark so he uses that as an excuse to touch them ever so slightly.

they are soft.

just then, shubman's eyes jolt open. ishan almost falls.

"like what you see?" shubman says, his voice slurring.

ishan curses to himself. "don't be scaring me like that, damn."

shubman looks down at his own torso. " did this, didn't you?"

he's pointing at his completely unbuttoned shirt.

ishan laughs. "no. you're drunk and you''re stupid."

(says an equally drunk ishan).

shubman nods. "im drunk. im drunk because of you! yeah!"

"whyyyyy?" ishan drawls.

"you were out there partying and i was lonely. soooo boooring."

ishan gasps. "and you! you were out too doing-" saying, he makes smooching sounds.

shubman scowls. "i don't do it like that."

ishan continues making smooching noises.

"i said i don't do it like that, goddammit!"

shubman pulls ishan by his collar and just crashes their lips together.

"mmmh-!" ishan tries to speak, tapping shubman on his arm to let go.

shubman is too drunk to register anything so he's not pulling away anytime soon. he grabs ishan by his back and manhandles him into a compromising position.

ishan now lies under shubman, looking at him with surprised eyes.

"wha- uh-"

"shut up."

shubman kisses him again, asking permission to enter, to which ishan responds by moaning. with a soft swipe of his tongue against ishan's bottom lip, he works his way into fully tasting him.

like a bunch of teenagers, both of them give into their hormones.

"fuck, ah, shubi-" ishan mumbles when they part away to breathe. "we shouldn't. i can't, you-"

shubman plants a wet kiss on ishan's collarbone.

"you don't want this?"

fuck. you can't possibly expect ishan to resist that voice.

shubman unbuttons ishan's shirt completely. kisses trail down his chest.

"push me away if you want to."

ishan slips his hands into shubman's hair instead. soft.

shubman smirks. "that's what i thought."

getting back to his lips, the kiss becomes rough and sloppy. a little teeth grazing, as if they have no more patience left.

ishan moves his hands to shubman's firm shoulders, voicing his admiration through soft moans.

shubman's breathing gets heavy.

"ishan, im hard."


author's note:

boohoo then they fall asleep!

kidding, i couldn't decide what to write after this so i ended it there lol.

2 updates today because my exams start from 29th so i can't update for some days. please wish me good luck and pray for me lmao.

also i haven't decided on who's going to be the top. i want to do top shubman but top ishan just sounds so much fun too. power bottom ishan, anyone???

i really appreciate yall's votes & comments tysm! byeeee

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