CH: 12 [nsfw]

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"...taking my last question to shubman gill, what do you reckon drove you to be today's centurion?"

"i guess i wanted to stay longer on field, maintain the partnership with ishan. we don't often get to be together on pitch, haha."

"that's some friendship goals! too bad you were dismissed before he completed his fifty. we'll be hoping for more amazing performances by the team. thank you for your time..."

ishan pauses the video, smiling to himself.

he loves it when he gets to go out there, join in the action. but batting with shubman, that makes it more special.

"bow before the king, peasant!" shubman announces, entering the room.

ishan looks up from his ipad. "there's only one king."

"oh right. bow before the prince, peasant!"

ishan scoffs, taking off his airpods. "you need to stop blushing while talking about me in interviews. better yet, just talk about yourself."

"how can i not talk about my super cool best friend?" shubman says, blowing him a kiss.

ishan ignores it, waving him over. "i guess you were quite cool today yourself."

shubman sits down, making space for ishan to lie on his lap. he traces patterns in ishan's hair, slipping into comfort immediately.

"should we go out and celebrate?" shubman asks.

"i asked rachin if he would be up for it."

"oh," shubman says softly. "um, alright."

ishan looks up at him. "you gotta join us today."

shubman looks away. "thanks for the early invite," he mumbles to himself.

"we can go shopping, what say? rachin can show us around. we should get souvenirs, probably," ishan says, typing away at his phone.

shubman isn't really in the mood for going out anymore. he takes hold of ishan's phone and keeps it aside.


shubman meets his eyes. "pay attention to me."

"you're so clingy," ishan sits up, huffing in amusement.

shubman pulls him closer, their bodies inches apart from each other.

"don't think i forgot about your promise."

ishan tilts his head in feign confusion. "hm? what are you talking about?"

"should i remind you?"

"i don't know, should you?" ishan teases, reveling in testing shubman's patience.

shubman moves his gaze to ishan's lips, bringing himself closer until they can hear each other's breathing.

"tell me what did you promise," shubman says, his voice notching down a level.

"did you forget as well?"

shubman locks eyes with him again, the intensity almost surprising ishan.

"no," shubman whispers. "i just want you to know what you're getting into."

"surprise me."

shubman bites gently on ishan's lower lip, asking for entrance. ishan melts into the kiss, letting shubman take control.

shubman finds ishan's taste addictive. he can't get enough of it. he pushes in a little, causing ishan to lie under his frame. their chests vibrate together, hearts racing against each other.

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