CH: 25

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ishan feels all the adrenaline drain out of his body when he sees everyone’s warm, smiling faces as they dance around. he thinks begrudgingly that their smiles may drop in the next couple of minutes, because of him.

no, no. trust your team, he repeats in his head as he walks up to rohit. shubman follows him with hesitant steps, stopping a foot away from them.

“bhaiya,” ishan yells over the music, tugging at rohit’s sleeve to get his attention.

rohit turns to him, slinging an arm around him, “what's up, chote?”

“i- um, can i talk to you- you all? i mean-”

kya bolra hai yaar, acche se bol,” rohit calls out as hardik joins in seeing them together.

“what’s going on here?” hardik grins, ruffling ishan’s hair. shubman fidgets with the hem of his shirt, contemplating if he should intervene.

rahul places his hand on his back comfortingly. “he can do it, calm down,” he says in his soothing voice.

“i need to tell you something,” ishan says, shifting his eyes between rohit and hardik.

haan toh bol na.”

“bhaiya, me and shubi-”

siraj pops his head into the conversation, beaming. “hey, i wanna join too! are we playing something?”

“oof, don’t drag me like that, siraj,” shreyas grunts, shaking his hand free from siraj's grasp who pulled him into the conversation as well.

ishan feels all their eyes on him, and his anxiety spikes up a little. he did want to tell everyone but he felt safer in starting with rohit or hardik.

“listen to me guys, i’ve something important to share-”

rohit huffs. “arrey yaar, tu bolega ki nahi?

ishan opens his mouth to continue but virat jumps in with a whipped cream spray, shaking it with a glint in his eyes.

“who wants to get whipped?” he laughs.

shubman sighs in the distance as rahul pats him. surya goes to stand beside him, pointing towards ishan.

“boy is struggling.”

shubman gives him a defeated look. “now he knows what i feel like trying to get him listen to me.”

surya doesn’t bother to ask about the context of the situation. ishan is probably going to blow up soon, end up shouting over everyone.

he looks at rahul instead. “do you know what’s up?”

rahul shrugs. “i might.”

surya shoots him a silent nod. “so he knows,” he whispers to shubman.

“he knows.”

on the other hand, ishan is trying his best to not just lash out on everyone. as much as he loves them, they’re sometimes the worst in terms of their attention span.

“come on, guys. someone’s gotta take one for the team,” virat says, shaking the spray.

“shreyas volunteers,” siraj exclaims.

“no, i don’t.” shreyas shoots him a glare.

ishan lets out a groan. “bhaiya, yaar. listen to me.”

haan tu bol na babu,” virat replies inattentively, targeting hardik with the spray, who puts up his hands in defense.

ishan takes a deep breath. muttering a “sorry, bhaiya,” he grabs the spray from virat.

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