CH: 6

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"look, i don't care what you do when you're off the clock but skipping practice the next morning is not done haan, shubi," virat chides.

ishan's eyes meet with rohit's, who is standing at the back by the weights. the latter waves in a manner of saying, "don't look at me, i can't help."

"ishan also," virat adds. "try to be more responsible, you two, okay?"

shubman and ishan nod like puppies with their ears down. it's a good thing virat is not mad at them.

"now go and do push-ups until i finish my work out."

shubman pouts. "but you work out for too long."

"rohit, will you look at this young blood? where's all that testosterone going, gill?"

that shuts shubman up. ishan snickers.

"ishan, you come here with me," rohit says. ishan scurries off to him.

"this is not fair! shouldn't we both be punished?" shubman complains.

"i'm not calling him to gossip, shubman," rohit says. "he'll work out with me."

"virat bhai, work out with me too!"

"no, i prefer to work out alone," virat says, putting in his airpods.

shubman pouts again. "i'll get lonely."

rohit gives him a bored look. "you can stay alive without ishan for an hour or two, alright, shubi?"

ishan shoots a thumbs up in shubman's direction.

"he looks too happy to leave, tch," shubman thinks in pettiness.

ishan turns to look at shubman staring at him with quite an adorable frown.

ishan blows him a kiss, followed by a wink and a cheeky grin.

shubman gets flustered and walks off to the side quickly. ishan acts cute sometimes.

shubman finds himself taking glances at ishan during his workout. his muscles seem more defined. and he looks so focused when he's stretching. a concentrated ishan sure could make a girl not take her eyes off him. shubman can't too.

err...yeah. he's just observing.

shubman's head clears up slowly as he sweats it out. unfortunately, that means he's regaining a few hazy memories of last night.

now that he thinks, it was so impulsive of him to just sleep with a random woman like that. he's not proud of his actions but what's done is done.

shubman wonders why he had the urge to go to such an extent anyway. yes, something's been bothering him lately but it's not like having sex solved it. in fact, shubman doesn't even really care about last night. it momentarily took his mind off from something and gave him a short lasting bliss but that's it really.

he had more fun with ishan after returning to their room to be honest.

wait, what?

no, he didn't get to meet ishan last night. the guy was out partying.

but he's missing out something. shubman is pretty sure he was not alone in the room last night. well, that is creepy.

they're both let off after two hours at the gym.

"earned yourselves a lunch, good job, boys," virat had said with a chuckle.

ishan and shubman pumped their fists in the air. they hugged each other in celebration, being dramatic.

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