CH: 15

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it's that time of the year and ishan is buzzing with anticipation as it rolls around again.

though it's warm out in new zealand but they're still doing their annual secret santa exchange and he is unashamedly expecting a real nice gift this year.

"a toy cactus, really? i'm sick of you all treating this like a joke," shreyas groans. siraj snickers, who's his secret santa most probably.

"that looks like a dildo if you squint your eyes enough," hardik says, narrowing his eyes.

surya looks unimpressed at his gift. "coupons and gift cards...i think i deserved better this year but i guess at least i can use them- oh nevermind, they are expired."

he turns to the only person who can give this as a last minute effort. "rohit bhai, you forgot to buy a gift, didn't you?"

rohit looks at him with a sheepish smile. "arrey yaar, i'll get you something when we're back in india."

surya sighs. virat sits back smugly as jaddu opens his gift. he smiles widely once he sees the beautiful tissot t-classic. "thanks, virat. you're the man."

virat pats his back with a laugh. shreyas glares at siraj, saying, "learn something."

rahul shakes his head at the bunch of condoms wrapped in a ribbon that he received. "who keeps making hardik my secret santa every year?"

hardik shoots him a shit-eating grin, his own gift being from rahul which is a decent table lamp.

the others are more or less satisfied with their gifts. it can't be helped, only one lucky person every year who gets virat as his secret santa gets to have an actually exciting gift. well, rohit is more than happy with his travel pillow from bumrah.

ishan impatiently rips off the gift wrapper, his eyes gleaming at the big beary soft toy. "thanks," he mumbles, hugging it.

shubman laughs. "when im not around, you can wrap all your limbs around it like the cuddle monster you are."

"basically he's telling ishan to not stick to anyone else he rooms with," surya teases.

shubman's ears grow warm. that wasn't his first thought. maybe second, or third.

he ignores their remarks as ishan signs him to open his gift. "yo, this is pretty cool," shubman grins, holding out the shirt.

"maybe you can stop stealing my wardrobe now."

shubman bumps his shoulder playfully. "what's yours is mine."

"does that mean you're mine?" ishan smiles.

siraj picks up an air mic, putting on a commentator voice. "and as you can see, the rizzy rizzler strikes again, showing no mercy to our comrade gill who looks a bit dehydrated at the moment honestly. are you breathing, mr. gill?"

shubman groans, falling on virat's side. "why are they like this?"

virat chuckles, ruffling his hair. ishan and surya high-five each other. shubman scowls at them, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"we slept through the evening, idiot. i told you to set the alarm, you had one job."

ishan slaps his back, causing him to groan.

"hey, it's not entirely my fault. fuck, we still have time to go out. stop hitting me," shubman whines.

"yeah well, everyone left us behind, genius." ishan rushes to get a change of clothes.

shubman sits up, stretching his arms. "christmas sex?"

ishan glares at him. "have some fucking shame, fucktard."

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