CH: 11

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“i wasn't asking, shubman,” rohit says, checking his luggage to make sure he got everything.

“but we're roommates everytime,” shubman complains.

“exactly, every time.”

shubman looks at virat, expecting some sympathy. “bhai, isn't this baseless? how can they just change my roommate?”

virat finds this matter pretty insignificant to be honest. “team bonding, shubi. besides, they shuffled everyone.”

“how much of a coincidence is it for ishan and surya bhai to be rooming together?” shubman says, pointing to the duo who are snickering at whatever.

virat sighs and pats his back. “it will be fun with hardik too.”

“for him! he’ll keep bullying me,” shubman whines.

hardik flashes a toothy smile, throwing an arm around him. “that's correct, shawty.”

shubman turns to look at ishan. “how come im the only one fighting for our love?”

“forbidden love,” hardik says, pretending to tear up.

ishan clutches his heart dramatically. “im afraid this is the end, romeo o' romeo.”

shubman flips him the bird with a flat look. “fuck you, juliet.”

“fuck me thyself, romeo,” ishan mouths him.

shubman huffs, warmth creeping up his ears. “don’t you dare get turned on by fucking elizabethan english,” he tells himself.

“rest in peace, shubi. ishan will not miss you,” surya says, ruffling ishan's hair.

“whatever helps him sleep at night,” shubman says with a mocking smile.

ishan returns the smile. “remember to keep your hands to yourself in bed.”

hardik and surya laugh but knowing what ishan actually means, shubman flushes a tinge of red.

once they are out of the two's earshot, shubman groans to ishan.

“just when i thought i'd get to spend the night with you.”

ishan looks at him amused. “doing what?”

shubman rubs his neck, trying not to look at his eyes. “watching a movie? um, whatever you want?”

ishan huffs. “you're getting ideas, gill.”

“you keep teasing me,” shubman grumbles.

he shrugs with a smile. “getting you riled up is fun.”

shubman pinches ishan's cheeks, not knowing how to cope with the separation. is he too attached to ishan? probably. is it bad? he couldn't give two fucks.

“you can get me all riled up you want, but in our room,” he nudges ishan. “ishu, please na.”

ishan chuckles. “what’s gotten into you? weirdo.”

shubman pouts. “i want to spend some quality time with my best friend, what's wrong with that?”

ishan raises his eyebrow, shooting a ‘really?’ look.

shubman bumps his shoulder, trying to convince him. “you're the weirdo. you don't even care about me when you're with surya bhai. what's gotten into you?”

ishan laughs at shubman trying to act cute. “not you, apparently.”

ishan and his innuendos will be the death of shubman someday.

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