CH: 5

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for the second time in a span of two days, shubman swears to never drink again.

he's barely even opened his eyes when he notices the messy state of the room. his shirt lying on the floor, booze and glasses on the bedside, and a half naked ishan lying upside down beside him.

shubman pushes ishan's feet away from him and smacks his back in an attempt to wake him up.

ishan doesn't always has hangovers but when he does, there's a problem for both of them. they probably overslept through breakfast and morning practice.

shubman stands up to stretch his arms. he wishes he could stretch his head too, if that would stop the migraine.

he searches for his phone in the sheets and eventually finds it. wishes he didn't.

10+ messages from ICT 11

surya: lovebirds skipped practice AND breakfast ohoho

hardik: pooja what is this behavior

shami: pooja?

rahul: rohit bhai is lowkey pissed yaar

shreyas: WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!!

siraj: they can't hear you through the gc iyer

virat: ishan and shubman, meet me in the gym at 12. or no lunch for you.

hardik: oh no

surya: good luck with that lol

shubman mentally slaps himself. upsetting virat and rohit first thing in the morning is never on anyone's to-do list.

he looks at the time. 10.30 a.m.

he groans again. it's definitely one of those days where he just knows he's going to hate it.

he throws a pillow out of frustration, which lands on ishan.

ishan turns over with a whine. "5 minutes more, mummy."

shubman scoffs. "get the fuck up."

ishan doesn't remember his mom swearing like that. he blinks open his eyes in annoyance.

"what happen- AAAH!"

ishan yelps halfway, pointing at shubman's chest.

shubman looks down at himself and almost shrieks too.

"oh fuck! no- ah, right, actually-"

"you're making no sense! what are those?!"

there are red lipstick marks all over shubman's neck and chest. ishan looks around their room in a hurried daze.

"fuck, is there a stalker fan in here? run, shubi, run!"

shubman sighs. "no, no. sit down. i, uh, had a date last night? remember?"

ishan realizes and lets out a relieved breath. "oh. yeah, that makes sense. sorry, it's just...the hangover, haven't had one in a while."

shubman nods. "yeah. why are that, though?"

ishan notes his own state. he's wearing his shirt inside-out which is unbuttoned all the way down.

"oh right, i went out last night. came in pretty late. did you come after me?"

shubman frowns. "no idea, bro, it's a blur after leaving the hotel- wait, is that a hickey?"

ishan opens his phone camera to check, and indeed, there's a hickey down by his neck.

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