CH: 24

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ishan is smitten, absolutely lovestruck. he just hides it better.

it’s as if a dam broke off and now he’s overflowing with feelings. he’s back to square one, thinking about shubman everywhere he goes. when he cracks a joke in the net practice, he imagines how hard shubman would have laughed at it. when he’s working out, he inevitably starts thinking of what a swoony sight it’d have been to have shubman there working out too. the worst of all, when any of the seniors talk about their wives, ishan thinks of shubman.

he realizes how desperately he’d been holding off himself, keeping all the love at bay.

“do you think we should just get married?” ishan mutters, stirring his coffee.

“sorry, i have a wife.”

ishan looks up, rolling his eyes at surya. “stop joking.”

“who started first?”

ishan sighs, leaning back. “i was thinking of promise rings, what’dya say?”

surya whistles, grinning. “i can’t believe i’ve lived long enough to see ishan kishan in a committed relationship- which started?”

“um, six days ago. am i rushing things?”

“honestly, you two have been together for six years, you just didn’t know,” surya says, patting his back.

ishan realizes how they have been acting like a couple all these years anyway. going everywhere together, sharing clothes, holding hands in practice, sharing the bed in every hotel, feeding each other. the list could go on forever.

“i hate that you’re right. but, minus the sex.”

surya squints his eyes. “are you sure?”

ishan smirks. “i’d definitely remember if i had that big dick in-”

surya slams the table, getting a look from the barista. “jesus christ, ishan. sorry i asked!”

ishan snickers, sipping his coffee. “seriously though, what should i get him?”

surya sighs, scratching his head. “you could give him a half-eaten sandwich and he’d be out of this world. but sure, go for the rings.”

ishan hums in thought, debating his choices. he doesn’t want to come off as too cheesy since shubman has expressed his indifference for it in his past relationships.

his phone flashes with a text from the devil himself.

shubman: hi boyfriend ;)

ishan rolls his eyes fondly, typing.

ishan: what’s up
shubman:  :(
ishan: what’s up boyfriend
shubman:  :)
shubman: party tonight. what should i wear?

ishan frowns, looking up at surya. “do we have a party tonight?”

surya nods, snapping a photo of his croissant. “heard so.”

this might be an opportunity to surprise shubman, ishan thinks.

ishan: just wear anything who cares
shubman: wdym who cares? bitch i need to look good
ishan: for????
shubman: my boyfriend

ishan bites down a smile.

ishan: he’ll rip it off you later anyway. wear whatever you want.

there’s no response for a while, which ishan knows is because shubman probably dropped the phone on his face.

shubman: are there people around u
ishan: surya bhai. why?
shubman: would’ve shown u the boner u just gave me

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