CH: 9

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"it backfired. your idea flopped," ishan says, entering surya's room.

surya spares the intruder a glance and returns to folding his clothes. "what is it with you and your boyfriend disrespecting me the moment you step in my room?"

ishan grabs a granola bar from surya's stash and sits down on the sofa with a disappointed sigh.

"he ran away."

surya would laugh but ishan looks pretty upset so he doesn't. "why does he think he lives in a drama?"

ishan munches impatiently on the bar, grumbling, "unbelievable, he just got up and left. at least let me finish, no? but god forbid he ever listens to someone."

"calm down, you know how avoidant he can be sometimes."

"what's there to avoid? i was just going to tell him about what actually happened. it's nothing to linger upon."

surya nods. "well, it's not everyday that you go around kissing a man. but it's not the end of the world. im sure plenty of people have had drunk experiences with their friends. maybe shubman hasn't thought of it that way."

ishan shakes his head. "it's not just should see him, he's been acting weird lately."

surya sighs, aware of the situation that is unfolding. "look, maybe he's having some sort of conflict in his mind. you know when your heart contradicts your brain."

ishan blinks in confusion. "no?"

"leave it. let's find shubman. where would he even go at this hour?"

ishan rolls his eyes at the impulsive stupidity of shubman. "he'll be back. if he doesn't want to miss our early flight tomorrow and get lectured by coach, that is."

surya gets up to pack up his gadgets. "get your ass to be useful and help me, kishan."

ishan complies. "can i sleep here, tonight?" he asks hesitantly.

surya shoots him a questioning look. ishan adds, "i think it'll be comfortable for shubman that way."

that's not something you'd expect him to say, looking at how he and shubman are attached to the hip almost all the time.

"i'll kick you out if i wake up in the middle of the night to find your feet anywhere near my face."

ishan scoffs but thanks him anyway.

"talk to him tomorrow," surya says softly.

"of course i will."

of course ishan will talk to him if shubman at least fucking looks at him.

"what is wrong with him?" ishan thinks to himself, looking at shubman. talking to him was difficult during boarding as it was chaotic and he had to wait until they got on the plane.

they sit together like they usually do. but what's unusual is shubman giving him the silent treatment.

ishan tries to start up conversations but the half-assed replies are starting to get on his nerves. he takes out his phone to text surya.

ishan: i offered him a donut and he said no
ishan: he never says no to donuts!!!
surya: what's this foreplay lmao just go straight to the point
surya: and stop texting me every 15 mins
ishan: i got into this bc of u
surya: don't blame me for your boyfriend's emotional constipation
ishan: i want solution not fax
surya: just talk to him. what's he gonna do on a flight? run away?
ishan: oooo nice idea bro
surya: im somewhat of a genius myself

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