CH: 10

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shubman gets tense when ishan stops responding to the kiss all of a sudden.

“did i overdo it-”, he begins to say, pulling back. hint of a frown surfaces on his face before he pauses, blinking in disbelief.

“ishan?” he pats his cheek. once, twice, thrice. “oi, ishan.”

he fell asleep.

“what the fuck.”

it is beyond shubman's reach how one can just fall asleep at such a moment.

what is wrong with him?” he groans. he tries to nudge ishan but gives up when he starts hearing soft snores. he contemplates throwing him out of the bed but decides against it because. well. he looks kind of adorable.

shubman scrunches his nose, trying to fight off the fondness but his lips slowly curve into a small smile.

the next morning might bring regrets, he knows, but he couldn’t care less. the fact that ishan at the very least knows at the moment that it's shubman who he's kissing, gives him a weird sense of relief.

even if ishan forgets it. or pretends to.


shubman doesn’t see ishan until breakfast.

he left his room right after waking up before flashbacks of last night cloud his mind. he’s basically testing the waters, letting ishan direct the situation. he is anxious to face him but it helps that they have a game soon so the focus of his thoughts divert naturally.

shubman looks at ishan standing in the distance, talking to yuzi. he looks…normal. unfazed and lively as usual.

ishan’s eyes lock with his momentarily, and shubman feels something tingly spark up in him. but ishan looks away before any tension could build.

huh. no smile? no wave?

you see each other every day,’ his brain consoles him.

surya takes a seat beside him. “what’s up with ishan, man?”

“why?” shubman sits up straight. “is something…wrong?”

“Yeah, something is wrong with him,” surya says, chewing on his sandwich.

shubman’s stomach takes a leap.

“he was mixing peanut butter and jelly,” surya adds with a grimace. “ugh, it was starting to look all slimy and totally inedible.”

shubman would have smacked surya is he wasn't a senior. he sighs instead, “he likes it that way. made me try once, wasn’t too bad.”

“there you go acting like a married couple.”

shubman rolls his eyes at that.

“here comes your wife,” surya adds, nodding towards ishan who comes to sit with them.

“who's his wife?” ishan asks with an amused smile.

shubman squirms a little at their sudden proximity. for someone who was full-blown making out with ishan last night, he sure feels antsy inside.

“you, of course,” surya says like it's obvious.

ishan scoffs. “why am i the wife and not him? what gender roles are we pushing here?”

surya looks at shubman with a teasing smile. “why don't you show him why?”

shubman almost chokes on his juice. “uhuh. why don't you go and talk to your wife and let us mere unmarried mortals wallow in self pity and drown in our…singleness?”

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