CH: 9.5 [nsfw]

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shubman is awake when ishan returns. it’s mostly because of the jet lag, but also because he’s paranoid about ishan not returning.

“dude, the nightlife is crazy here. you should’ve totally come with us,” he exclaims, getting into bed beside shubman without bothering to change.

he sounds a little tipsy but nothing more, since he’s not yet calling out drawled on variations of his name that he usually does when drunk.

shubman keeps his book aside, trying to look for any hickeys on ishan. “had fun?”

“yeah! the music was meh at first. and you know me, i need music to get into the vibe. so, i said we should go clubbing. look, i brought you something.”

ishan hands him a tightly packed parcel of pavlova. “can’t be as sweet as you, babe,” he says with a toothy smile.

shubman chuckles at the corny line. “did the waiter say that to you?”

“no. rachin did,” ishan laughs.

shubman’s smile falters a little. alright…there's suddenly a lot of rachin going on in their life. not that it's a bad thing. it's good to socialize.

“you and your flirting habits,” he says, shaking his head in feign amusement.

“hey, i do not flirt. im just naturally charismatic.”

“stole that line from me.”

“did not.”

“did too.”

ishan shrugs with a sigh. “okay, whatever. your charisma works with women. mine works with men. fair enough.”

men do tend to love hanging around ishan. it might be because his childish antics, despite of his age, can be cute at times.

shubman scoffs. “doesn't that just make you more…. feminine?”

ishan jabs him with his elbow causing him to let out a grunt. “shut up gill, you're just jealous of my lashes.”

he is right, though. ishan has got beautiful lashes. and beautiful doe eyes under them. a cute button nose. and further down, soft heart-shaped lips that often draw shubman's attention.

“and you are jealous of my height. the ladies dig it,” shubman retorts, knowing ishan can't debate that.

ishan snorts. he's not a man who’s insecure about his height. “ladies dig my average height too, FYI. you don't need to be a tall giant to get bitches.”

“so, why don't you?” shubman says mocking playfully.

ishan stares at him. “who cockblocked me that night?”

shubman rolls his eyes. “that was one time. don't act like you were going to score anything. i just saved the chick from an hour of bland kissing and dry humping.”

ishan scowls at him. “yo, aren't you being a little too presumptuous?”

shubman knows he is. he knows he's lying straight through his teeth. he knows how goddamn good it feels to kiss ishan. he wants to know that feeling again.

his heart picks up faster. maybe if i make ishan mad enough…

“what, am i wrong? you got any proof?”

ishan gets up a little, looking down at him with serious eyes. he brings himself closer to shubman's frame.

just one more push.

“you haven't heard a girl under me, ishan. you’d wish it was you.”

that’s not something he was planning to say. shit.

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