CH: 26 (epilogue)

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author’s note:

first of all, a quick thanks to everyone for reading all along. i’ll write to you properly in the ending notes!

now. here’s the smut y’all have been begging for. it’s pretty graphic so ⚠️ [nsfw] ⚠️


not much changes over the first month of their relationship. in fact, shubman is worried if he’s doing something wrong. or maybe he’s not doing something.

he’s wonders if a girl dating ishan would treat him any differently than he is. shubman has never lasted in relationships, too committed to cricket to commit to someone else. and he's rarely paid attention to what his girlfriends demanded in their relationship. figures why he got dumped every time. 

he’s tried to ask ishan about his last girlfriend without sounding insecure (because he’s not, really) but the conversations don’t give away anything useful.

“was your last relationship any different?”

“well, for one, she didn't have a dick.”


“would it feel like a normal relationship if i acted like a girl?”

“you do have a girlish scream when you see a moth.”


“maybe i should grow out my hair.”

“that’d be a cool tarzan cosplay.”

okay, maybe shubman should really talk about it.

“ishan,” he groans. “i feel like we’re still just friends. we gotta be more couple-y, dude.”

“i doubt just friends have sex every week, dude.”

shubman pouts, rubbing his cheek against ishan’s. “i guess i’m overthinking.”

ishan's eyes soften at that, turning to look at him. “you’re an obtuse idiot.”

he barely resists when shubman blinks up at him adorably. he adds, “i think i know what bullshit you’ve been coming up with.”

shubman remains silent, knowing better than to argue. he wraps his hand around ishan’s arm, resting his head on his shoulder.

“shubi,” he coos. “i don’t need a girl, or anyone for that matter. i need you.”

he knows that shubman has been trying to fit himself in the role of a girlfriend, feed into his overthinking. so ishan tried to make light of the matter, joke around and hope that possibly shubman will get over it.

“you see this?” he lifts his hand up, showing his ring. “that's my answer to your every insecurity.”

“i'm not-”

“i know.” ishan smiles. “i’m just saying that you don't have to pretend or act in a certain way now just because we're dating. you were my best friend because you’re you. and you’re my boyfriend because you stayed you.”

shubman huffs with a chuckle. “you make good choices.”

ishan presses a kiss on the tip of his nose. “i know, baby.”

shubman stares at him, his heart warming  when he realizes it's the first time ishan called him that. his boyfriend is not a fan of  calling him pet names, that was clear very early on.

ishan flushes a little when he realizes it too. “shut up.”

“i didn’t say anything.”

“yeah, just pretend i didn't either.”

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