Chapter 1

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Note: this story is meant to be very cheesy at some points. It's based on comics that are cheesy. Sometimes I also make it seem overly serious, like some comics. Anyways, I hope that you, the reader, can find something to enjoy in here.

I don't have a name. They call me Ragnarok, but that's what I am. It's not who I am. I know I'm a teenager, but at this point I don't know how old I am exactly. All I have ever known is the harsh metal of the lab and the cold faces of the Hydra scum that kept me locked away like some animal. That's that I am. I'm a caged animal waiting to escape.

This is the story of how I died, and it's a long one.

(Third Person P.O.V.)

"Rogers, Barton, Romanoff, I have a mission for you" barked Director Nick Fury of SHIELD when the three Avengers walked into his office.

"What is it, sir?" asked Steve Rogers.

"I am sending you three to Canada. We recently detected a Hydra base where they may or may not be experimenting on someone with powers. Said person could be used as a weapon of mass destruction" Fury answered. The Avengers gave him a look that said why are we hearing about this now.

"What kind of powers, Fury?" Clint Barton inquired, crossing his arms.

"That is for you to find out should this person still be alive" the Director stated. With that the three Avengers got into their gear, got into a transport vehicle, and headed off to Canada.

After a few hours in the quinjet the team had finally reached their destination. "Okay boys, there's a vent on the roof. We climb in through that and make our way to the lab that is in the east wing. If said person isn't there, we make our way to the cell blocks. When we find this person we get them out and blow this place sky high" Natasha Romanoff stated. The two men nodded in agreement.

The team made their way to the roof, found the vent, and made their way to the lab, quietly taking out any Hydra agents along the way. They came to the lab and entered the stark white room. It was empty.

"We should make our way to the cell block" Clint said.

"Wait, we haven't checked this door yet" Steve said, walking across the room; he leaned on the door "I hear something, or someone".

He busted the lock with his shield and opened the door. A young girl was laying on the dirt floor in ragged clothes. She was covered in blood and what looked to be scars new and old. By the looks of it, she was malnourished and had never been outside. She was sobbing. "Hey, get in here. I found someone".

The other two Avengers walked into the room and the girl looked up. She looked terrified. "Wh-Who are you?" she whispered "are you here to beat me?"

"I'm Steve Rogers, and my colleagues are Natasha and Clint. We're with SHIELD. We're not gonna hurt you. We're here to get you out" Steve explained quietly so he wouldn't scare her more "who are you?"

"I don't have a name" she answered. She winced as she turned to face them. It looked like every breath she took caused her more pain.

"Can you get up? We need to go" Clint asked, a look of concern etching itself into his face. She shook here head. Steve walked over and picked her up. She winced some more, and a cry of pain escaped her mouth.

"Nat, set up the bombs, and get any flies you can off of the computers. Barton, you help me get her to the jet" Steve ordered. The team broke off. Steve and Clint took the girl to the quinjet while Nat stole some information that she found on the girl and then put the explosives in place.

(Will's POV)

I awoke in what seemed to be a jet. I was a little confused as to why I was there in the first place, but then I remembered that I'd been taken away from that horrible place. I heard people around me talking.

"She was created in a secret Hydra base in Brooklyn and was then moved to Canada, so she's from Brooklyn like you, Steve. She's never seen the light of day. She does have powers, thought the file doesn't say what they are. That must mean that she's dangerous. I also can't find who her parents are" said a woman.

"I wouldn't want to know my powers if I were you" I whispered making all the heads in the aircraft turn; I was dangerous to these people, and they didn't need to know what I was created for "wait, aren't you guys the Avengers?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" asked the man whom I knew to be Steve Rogers. It was like he assumed that I wouldn't recognize the people that saved New York.

"I did watch the news when they left the lab for a few minutes and left me unbound" I responded. It was more like when they left me without a power dampener on.

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you and what should we call you?" the man named Clint asked.

"I'm fifteen ish, I think. Just call me Will. That is one of the names they called me saying that I would do their will. Hence the name" I said quietly "where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere safe. People won't hurt you there, but we need to know your powers so we can protect you" Natasha stated.

"I was born with super strength, speed, and agility. I can also control computers with my mind. That's all I can explain" I was still quiet. I hadn't talked this much in a long time, or ever.

"That helps us a lot. You look tired. Don't worry you can sleep if you want to" Steve said. I nodded and closed my eyes again.

I woke up a few hours later to more voices. "We should have her tested. I mean her blood. Just to see who she's related to" said a man's voice.

"Bruce, I told her that we wouldn't hurt her. We should ask her before you do anything so she might actually trust us" Steve argued. It was then that I decided that I could trust Steve.

"Come on, Capsicle, I mean for all we know you could be her father. She looks just like you, and not to mention the speed, strength, and agility" another man said.

"No, Tony, not without her consent" Steve replied.

"Or you could just ask her yourself" I stated, sitting up "and no. No poking or prodding or experiments of any kind until I'm ready. Where am I?"

My surroundings had changed yet again, and I was in some sort of lab.

"You're in Stark Tower. I'm Bruce Banner, and this is-" started the first man.

"Tony Stark. I know. They talked a lot about your tech in the lab" I finished.

"Hey kid, now that you're up, Steve will show you around" Tony said.

"Sure, but can I go outside first, or is that not allowed?" I inquired. All three of them looked concerned. That didn't seem like a good thing.

"Of course you can go outside" Steve said helping me up and leading me up and elevator and through some double doors. We were outside. I saw the sun and felt the breeze for the first time in my life. I stood there in shock. This was amazing.

"Will, are you okay?" Steve asked, noticing my state of shock.

"Yeah, just fine but this-this is amazing. I've always wanted to see the outdoors. It feels great" I whispered "I can't believe they kept me from all of this".

We stood there for what seemed like hours, just enjoying the last rays of sunlight. This was the happiest I had ever been.

"Come on, let me show you around" he said, guiding me back inside "maybe we can find something for you to eat".

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