Chapter 2

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After seeing the kitchen and having a proper meal for once, Steve showed me the communal floor, and he led me to the training facilities.

The room was huge. It was filled with targets and mats and training rings. It basically had everything anyone would ever need in order to train for any sort of situation.

When we walked in, a tall blonde man in a red cape walked over to us. If he wasn't a god, then he must've been related to one, but I was pretty sure he was related to the man that he tried to destroy New York.

"Ah, Captain, have you come for a rematch" he asked loudly. He spoke with an accent that I couldn't quiet place.

"Not right now, Thor. I'm showing Will around. You remember helping me carry her to the infirmary, right" Steve answered. I had been right. The man with the cape was in fact a Norse god.

"Oh yes, young Will. Would you like to demonstrate your powers?" Thor inquired in his booming voice "I have been told that you are quite dangerous".

"Okay" I said a little unsure if they even wanted to be shaken around by my powers. Things were about to get interesting. This would either end well, or with this whole tower as a pile of rubble and ash.

I closed my eyes and concentrated. I slowly began to feel the building shake at my will, and the palms of my hands heated up. It felt nice to use my powers with my own free will for once. When I stopped, Tony, Bruce, Clint, and Natasha all burst into the room.

"Are you all okay?" Bruce asked, looking rather frantic. They all stared at me. I couldn't tell if it was awe or shock, but I felt uncomfortable to say the least.

"I used two of my powers" I replied, wringing my hands nervously "that was the thing I didn't tell you. I can start earthquakes and create fire. It's hard to explain".

"Dear god" breathed Tony "for a minute I thought Manhattan was under attack again".

"Well, you thought wrong".

"Hey not to ruin the fun, but Director Fury called; he's on his way to meet Will" Natasha said.

"No, he'll just take her away" Clint argued.

"It's too early for SHIELD to be stepping in on this matter" Steve added.

"We were on a SHIELD mission when we got her out. I agree with you, but she is technically part of the mission".

"Um, who's Director Fury. Will he take me away and experiment on me?" I inquired, suddenly full of fear. I was already overwhelmed from being around decent human beings, and I didn't really want to meet any more people, especially ones that could take me away.

"He's the director of SHIELD, and no, he will not take you away. If he tries, we'll stop him" Natasha stated.

"Sir, Director Fury is here" said a slightly robotic British voice.

"Send him up, JARVIS" Clint answered.

"What was that?" I inquired, looking around the room to try and locate the source of the voice.

"Oh that is Tony's AI. JARVIS runs the whole tower, and he takes some time to get used to" Steve explained. Just then the elevator doors dinged open. Out stepped a black man in a black leather trench coat and an eye patch. I ducked behind Steve slightly, but I was still in view.

"Where is she" the man asked. I hesitated, considering my next actions carefully.

"Right here" I answered quietly stepping out from behind Steve.

"Can we talk.? Alone" he ordered and the Avengers hesitantly left the room.

"What are you going to do to me?" I inquired in a small voice. Every instinct I had told me to run.

"Nothing, I just want to talk. My name is Nick Fury" he said sitting down"tell me about yourself. What your name is, what your powers are, your age. That kind of stuff".

"My name is-well I don't really have a name, but you can call me Will. I think I'm fifteen, but I'm not exactly sure if that's true. I have increased strength, speed, and agility. This is my first time in the outside world" I explained leaving out the fire part and the computer part and the earthquake part. If I told him, he could've locked me up, and I didn't want that to happen. I also didn't really trust this man. I knew I probably had to anyways, but I would be cautious around him.

"Okay kid, I know enough now. Thank you for your time" Fury said before summoning the Avengers back into the room. He walked over to speak with them. I was able to pick out pieces of their conversation.

"She's cleared. I'll send someone to pick her up tomorrow. From there she'll be sent to an orphanage where a nice family will take her in" Fury explained.

"Fury, you can't send a fifteen year old girl with no experience into the outside world. It just isn't fair to her" Steve argued "at least have your psychologists review her file before you make the call to send her into civilian life".

"She'll be safe there with people her own age" Fury continued

"Yes, but what if Hydra finds out where she is?" Natasha stated "they might kill her and everyone in a hundred block radius. We can't let that happen, Fury".

"Then what do you suggest we do with her?" asked Fury. He crossed his arms.

"She could live here" Tony suggested with a shrug.

"Oh yes, have her live with the hero from the forties, a billionaire drunk with flying suits of armor, two assassins, a Norse god, and a giant green rage monster. Not to mention you have death treats from every damn villain in the universe" Fury stated sarcastically "that's a damn good plan".

"While that may be true, we can protect her and train her" Bruce said.

"Fine. I give up arguing with you people" Fury said leaving room.

"What was that about?" I inquired, already knowing the answer "am I leaving?"

"We decided that you're going to stay here with us so we can train you" explained Steve "We'll also help you adjust to civilian life".

"Really" I said, smiling.

"Yeah" replied Clint.

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