Chapter 10

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A few days after the events in Sokovia, we were all at the new Avengers base. Steve, Nat, and I had to train some new Avengers, including Scarlet Witch, War Machine, Falcon, and Vision. Nat, Tony, and I were also desperately searching for Bruce.

It was hard. I lost two people that I cared for. The night after the battle, I started to have panic attacks and flashbacks of my past or the events of so many battles.

I told no one. I couldn't tell Tony because he would just blab if he got drunk. I couldn't tell Pepper because she would tell everyone. I didn't want to tell Nat or Clint or Thor because they would only make it worse. I especially couldn't tell Steve because it would only hurt him. The only person I wanted to tell was Bruce, but I couldn't do that.

Then came the day that I couldn't stand to be back at the tower. Everyone was just miserable. I just couldn't stand it, so I ran out. I didn't exactly know where I was going, but I had to escape the memories.

I ran and ran, tears streaming down my cheeks. I saw the familiar blue and red suit of Spider-Man above me, but I never stopped. I just kept running. It cleared my mind and numbed my body.

I came to an unfamiliar part of New York and kept going. I ran straight into a blind man. "Oh my god, are you okay" I paniced, helping the man up. He was tall with redish brown hair and scars, lots and lots of scars. He looked oddly familiar, meaning that I'd probably seen him in the news.

"Oh no. No problem. This actually happenes a lot" he replied "Matt Murdock".

This was the lawyer I'd heard all about. He suck his hand out for me to shake. I took it and said "Will. My name is Will".

"Okay, now that we have that settled, why are you in Hells Kitchen?" Matt asked "you shouldn't be out alone, should you".

"I can't tell you here" I whispered "you never know who might be listening".

"Ten follow me" he said, guiding me through the streets until we came to a building with a sign that read:


We went inside and up the stairs. He navigated us around well for a blind man. We came to another door. Matt opened it and called "Foggy. Karen. Is anyone here?"

A man with long hair and a blonde haired woman both rounded the corner. "Matt, good you're back. Who's this?" asked the woman. I could only assume that she was Karen. She seemed nice enough.

"Will. Just Will" I stated "and you are?"

"Karen Paige, and this is Foggy Nelson" she replied, gesturing to the man.

"So, Will, what are you doing in Hells Kitchen?" inquired Foggy "someone like you shouldn't be out alone".

"Well here goes nothing" I sighed "I'm fifteen. The Avengers rescued me from Hydra a few months ago. They saved my life. I was in DC when SHIELD turned out to be Hydra. After that, we found out that Steve Rogers is my dad. Um, I was also in Sokovia. We lost good people that day".

These people seemed like they could keep a secret well enough. They were lawyers after all, and I knew that lawyers were good at keeping secrets.

"Wait, wait, wait, you mean that you were raised in a Hydra lab, were saved by the Avengers, and was in DC when SHIELD became Hydra. Your father is Captain freaking America, and you helped defeat Ultron" Foggy exclaimed.

I nodded and felt my mind spiraling out of my own control. I remembered getting beaten to the point at which my leg snapped. I screamed in pain, attempting to fight back. My cell was only five feet high, five feet wide and four feet long. There was barely enough room for me to lie down. My head made contact with the wall, and I blacked out. I could hear people trying to pull my back to reality, but my mind had it's own plan and wouldn't let me be in control until the attack was over.

"Will-Will, can you hear me? Will, wake up. It isn't real" I heard a familiar voice say. I sat up. It was Peter. He must have followed me there.

"I'm up. What happened?" I asked propping myself up on my elbows. I guess I must've collapsed during the attack.

"You had a panic attack" stated Matt "I assume that's a regular occurrence".

"You were screaming and wouldn't stop. Then your friend Peter showed up" explained Karen. She was also kneeling next to me. I stood up shakily.

"How long was it?" I whispered.

"About fifteen minutes" Matt answered. Not the longest panic attack I'd had, but it definitely wasn't the shortest.

I checked my phone. I had several texts from Tony. Most of them were in all caps, demanding where I was. I chose to ignore them.

"You might want to reply to those" Matt stated. I was confused as to how he knew I had messages, but decided to ignore it for now.

"I should go home" I stated to no one in particular "thank you for dealing with that. I'm really sorry".

"It's fine, and we won't tell anyone if you don't want us to" Karen offered me a smile.

"I can walk you there" volunteered Peter. I gladly accepted it. We said goodbye to the trio and headed towards the tower.

"If you don't mind my asking, who was Pietro?You never really said" Peter asked, looking down at me "You mentioned him before but never explained".

"He was-He was a fellow Hydra captive with his twin sister. He was a friend of mine, I guess. He saved my life a couple times, but he also kidnapped me" I explained in a hushed voice.

"Wait, he kidnapped you?" exclaimed Peter, his eyes wide.

"Yes, but that was when he and Wanda were under the control of Hydra" I stated "oh no, I've said too much".

We walked a little further in awkward silence. "Matt was a little strange, don't you think? I mean, he knew that you had messages from Tony, and he's blind" Peter said, breaking the silence.

"He wasn't strange at all. He might've just heard my phone buzz" I stated.

"Yeah, you're probably right" he agreed. We them came up to the front door of the tower.

"Thank you for being there for me, Peter" I said gratefully.

"Any time, Will. Oh, and next time you feel like running away, just come to my place" he said, walking off. I headed inside the tower. Tony was waiting for me in the lobby.

"Where have you been?" he demanded, crossing his arms.

"I couldn't stand it here any more. It's all too much, and we're all miserable" I bit the inside of my cheek to stop the tears from starting again. I would never let anyone see me weak again. Tony hugged me.

"I know. It's hard. But I need to know where you went" he said. He didn't seem angry anymore.

"I ran to Hells Kitchen and ran into Matt Murdock" I shrugged.

"Matt Murdock, the Devil of Hells Kitchen. Why were you hanging out with him?" Tony asked, now tense.

"The Devil of Hells Kitchen. Matt is a lawyer not a devil. He helped me" I explained.

"That's just a nickname. Matt Murdock is the vigilantly known as Daredevil. I've worked with him before. It's good to know that you were in good hands and not with some slumlord" Tony stated, leading me towards the elevator.

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