Chapter 14

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"Oh god Will. What did they do to you?" I heard someone say as I was unchained. I hissed in pain as my body slumped to the floor.

"Will can you hear me?" asked the same person. I couldn't tell who it was yet, but they were very familiar. I tried to open my eyes, but they wouldn't open. It was like they were stitched shut. The person who was carrying me set me down on a cold metal surface. I winced.

I was finally able to open my eyes. I was in the jet, and Steve was standing over me. "Will" he whispered "what have they done to you?"

I realized that I was wearing shorts and a ripped tank top. It was soaked through with blood. I had clearly been whipped and beat. I also realized that my once long hair was cut short like Steve's.

"All I remember is pain a-and the injections" I whispered.

"Doom whipped you to try and get you to comply while he made us watch, but I don't remember the injections" Clint stated "oh and I took these off of you right before they took you".

He tossed me Steve's dog tags. "I think I might need a medic" I groaned. I felt really light headed. Tony was now hovering above me scanning my injuries.

"You were right. Your ankle is broken, but if we don't get you help soon, you'll bleed to death" he stated. My eyelids felt heavy.

"Will, stay with us. Don't close your eyes" Steve ordered.

"We're almost to the mainland" yelled Clint from the cockpit. I was slipping in and out of consciousness. We landed, but I didn't exactly know what was going on.

(Third person P.O.V.)

The team had landed at a New York hospital, and Will was rushed away on a stretcher. "What happened" asked a doctor.

"She was kidnapped by Doctor Doom. She's lost a lot of blood" stated Clint. The doctor nodded. The Avengers were all worried that this would be the time that Will didn't recover. Nat and Clint were both whisked away to be mended, leaving just Steve and Tony in the waiting room.

"Tony, what do we do if she doesn't make it" asked Steve. Tony had never seen Steve like this. He looked so torn up over this. Sure they had only known that Will was Steve's daughter for a few weeks, but she looked worse than she did after DC.

"I honestly don't know" replied Tony. He also felt defeated. A nurse approached them.

"She has a broken ankle, a partly collapsed lung, a severe concussion, and some of her cuts are two inches deep. You're very lucky that they only went through muscle. There are also unknown liquids in her system. We don't yet know if she will survive" she said calmly.

"Can we see her?" inquired Steve. This was the fourth time that he had almost lost Will. First she was stabbed with the poison knife, then DC happened, and then Ultron happened, and now this.

"Not yet, she's still in surgery".

When they finally were allowed to see the girl, Steve and Tony we led to a small white room where Will was hooked up to many different machines. She was covered in gauze and was barely recognizable.

"Tony, call Peter. He should see this" ordered Steve. The boy had been asking where  his friend was, and he had a right to know.

Tony took out his phone dialed Peter's number.

"Hello" he answered.

"Peter, this is Tony. You need to get to Metro General Hospital. It's about Will" stated Tony.

"W-what? What happened to her?" he asked, panic clear in his voice.

"I'll explain when you get here. Just hurry" Tony said, hanging up. About half an hour later Peter arrived. He too was led to Will's room. When he saw her, he didn't know what to think.

"How did this happen?" he inquired quietly.

"She was on a mission in Latveria with us and was taken by Doctor Doom. He did this to her" Clint explained as he and Nat walked into the room. All of a sudden Will started coughing. She was coughing blood. Steve and the nurse rushed to her side. She stopped coughing.

"That hurt" she whispered.

"Sh. Don't talk. It will only make the pain worse" the nurse said. Will nodded and passed out again.

"W-will she be-will she be o-okay" stuttered Peter.

"We don't know" the doctor who had just walked in the room replied. All of a sudden the lampshade caught fire. The nurse ran for a fire extinguisher.

"Wait. Was that Will?" Nat asked.

"I think it was" replied Steve.

"That had to be a coincidence" Clint said.

"Has she always been able to do that?" the doctor asked.

"No" answered Tony. He was inspecting the lamp.

"It must have been the injections she was talking about" stated Steve. They all looked at Will who was still passed out.

"No, this wasn't Will. Just faulty wiring in the lamp" Tony sighed in relief.

"Thank god".

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