Chapter 15

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It had been two weeks and Will hadn't woken up again. Everyone was starting to worry, especially Steve. They all began to think that they had lost another Avenger, and Steve desperately wanted to know what Doom had put in his daughter's system because she'd been running an unexplainable fever since she'd arrived at the hospital.

(Will's P.O.V.)

I woke up, shifted slightly, and realized that someone else was in the room.

"Will?" asked Tony, who was now looking down at me "are you actually awake?"

"Yeah. I think so" I stated in a horse whisper. Then I realized how much pain I was in. It hurt to breath, and my body felt like it was on fire.

"I'm going to go get the others" he said, leaving the room.

It had only been five minutes when the door opened and in walked Steve, Peter, Nat, Clint, and Tony. They all approached me cautiously.

"How long was I out?" I whispered.

"Two weeks" replied Clint.

"We were so worried you wouldn't make it through this" stated Peter. He fidgeted with his hands.

"You can't get rid of me that easy" I said to lighten the mood. They all laughed a little.

"There's that sense of humor we all missed" stated Tony. Nat was crouched by my side.

"I am so sorry that we got you into this" she apologized.

"Don't be. It's fine. I honestly don't care what happened. It's happened before. I just want to know what Doom put in me. I want to know what it did to me" everyone was looking at me funny "What is it?" 

"You've been running a fever since you got back, but you have no symptoms of illness. We have no idea what caused it".

I sat there in shock. I didn't feel any different, and I definitely didn't feel sick. What did Doom put in me? "Will are you okay?" Steve looked on edge. I was tired of being asked that.

"I don't know. I want to know what Doom did to me and why" I answered.

"We don't know why he did it".

"Can one of you help me up? I need to stand" I asked. Nat, who was closest to me, did. I felt weak on my feet. My arms and chest were wrapped in gauze. My ankle was also wrapped up.

"Come here" I said, opening my arms, gesturing for all of them to come and hug me. They all hugged me cautiously, trying not to hurt me.

"Can we go home?" I inquired. The doctor came in at that moment.

"Miss Rogers, you are cleared to go, but take it easily for the next four weeks or so" he said. That was odd, so I assumed Tony had bribed him because any normal doctor would not have let someone in my condition leave the hospital. That made me happy though. I wasn't going to be stuck in some boring room all day. A nurse brought me some crutches, and we left.

When we got to the tower, I went straight to my room. I went to my bathroom and took off the gauze that was around my chest. The cuts made by the whip covered my back so I could barely distinguish one from another. There was a small tap on the door. I slipped my shirt back on and opened the door. Peter was there.

"Hey Spidey" I offered him a half smile.

"Hey Rogers. You look awful. Like worse than you did after DC or Ultron" he gave me a worried look.

"I bet" I rolled my eyes.

"A little more sarcastic than usual, are we" he pointed out "I think it might just be your coping mechanism. With all the trauma you've been through lately, it's nice to see this side of you again".

"I haven't been like this for two months" I stated running a hand through my short hair "how does it look now?"

"How does what look?" he asked.

"My hair, genius" I sighed.

"Oh yeah, that. I'm not sure. It was Doctor Doom that did that to you" said Peter.

"Don't remind me. I'm just trying to make the best of my situation right now" I scoffed.

"Oh. Right" he said more to himself than to me. He helped me limp over to my bed where we just sat for a while. It was nice.

"I think should go and train some more" I stated, attempting to get up.

"Oh no you don't. You know what the doctor said. You need it easy for a while" Peter said, stopping my attempt at getting up.

"But-" I started.

"No. I don't want to see you get hurt anymore than you are right now. None of us do" Peter was right. I sighed in defeat.

"Then, help me downstairs" I ordered. He handed me my crutches and walked with me to the living room. The only one there was Steve.

"Hi dad".

"Hey Will" he replied. I hobbled over and sat on the couch next to him. He put an arm around my shoulders comfortingly.

"How do you feel," he asked. Peter sat down across from us.

"I feel like I should be trying to figure out what Doom did to me" I stated, just staring at the floor.

"Hey, we will find out what he did to you, and when we do, I'll make him pay" Steve reassured me.

"Thanks dad" I said, resting my head on his shoulder. Things felt slightly more normal in that moment.

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