Chapter 13

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I had only been home for a couple of days, and it seemed kind of normal. I had started helping Tony in the lab and training with Nat and Clint. Steve and I had also gotten back to our morning jogs.

Then one day I got a call from Sam Wilson of all people.

"Hello" I answered the phone.

"Uh. Yeah. Hi Will" he replied. He sounded a little bit on edge.

"What is it?" I inquired.

"Okay, well. I was at the New Avengers headquarters and well something tripped the security system, so I went to check it out" he started.

"So what was it?" I asked.

"It was a man, but he could shrink. He called himself Ant-Man. We fought for a while and I lost because I couldn't see him. Please don't tell Cap and especially don't tell Tony".

"Okay, but why are you telling me?"

"I trust you, and maybe you could help me track him down. I think he would make a good Avenger" stated Sam. I pondered it for a moment. He wanted me to track down a man that was the size of an ant.

"Um. I'll see what I can do" I said "bye Sam".

With that I hung up and sat down to think. Ant-Man. The name sounded so familiar. Then it hit me. Doctor Hank Pym. He had know Tony's dad. He was the one that discovered Pym Particles, the ones that could shrink or grow people or things. I had heard Tony mention Hank Pym a few times and then he would mumble somthing about an Ant-Man. Hank Pym was Ant-Man, but he was retired. Someone else had to be Ant-Man.

By then I was pacing my room. Someone knocked on my door snapping me out of my trance. "Come in" I called. The door opened and Steve walked in.

"Hey Will" he sat down on my bed.

"Hi dad" I said, sitting down next to him "what did you want?"

"I wanted to give you this" he stated, pulling out a set of dog tags from his pocket "I figured you should have them".

He dropped them in my hands. They were his. I was speechless, so I just hugged him. "Thank you" I managed to whisper.

"Awe. You two are so cute together" Nat said from the doorway "sorry to interrupt the family moment, but Will needs to suit up. We need to go".

"Why?" I inquired.

"We're going on a mission" stated Nat.

"Bye, dad" I followed Nat to the armory. I changed into a pair of grey cargo pants and a black SHIELD jacket. I also grabbed a gun before heading to the jet.

"So where are we headed?" I asked. It was just Clint, Nat, and I going on the mission. That was odd considering I never went on missions with just them.

"Latveria" Clint stated, putting the jet on autopilot.

"What? Why would we do that? I thought it was illegal. We could start an international war" I panicked.

"Only if we get caught, and this jet is in stealth mode. Doctor Doom stole some very dangerous SHIELD tech and we need to get it back" stated Nat. I just sat there silently fiddling with Steve's dog tags. This wasn't going to end well.

"Where did you get those?" inquired Clint.

"Dad gave them to me shortly before we left" I stated. We said nothing for a few more minutes, so I decided to try and get some sleep.

Several hours later I was awoken by the violent shaking of the jet and the sounds of explosions. "What's going on?" I screamed above the noise.

"Doom's systems are more advanced than we thought" Nat shouted in reply.

"We're going down" Clint yelled from the cockpit. He opened the cargo door. We were thirty feet from crashing.

"Jump" ordered Nat, and we did. I twisted my ankle in the process, other than that we were all fine, sort of. As soon as we set foot on the ground, Doom bots surrounded us. I went to use my powers, but Nat shook her head, urging me not to.

Our hands were bound and we were blindfolded. We were led to what I could only think was a castle, and then we were separated. Nat and Clint were taken one way and I another. When we finally stopped, my blindfold was taken off, and I was thrown to the floor.

I looked up and there sat Victor Von Doom. "So you are the infamous Hydra child that I have heard so much about" he sneered.

"What do you want with me?" I choked out.

"I plan to use you as Hydra intended to. You will be my weapon, Ragnarok" Doom said "take her away".

I was dragged down a series of long dark corridors when I was eventually thrown into a cell. Someone rushed up next to me. It was Clint. I guess Doom wasn't smart enough to have us in different cells.

"Are you alright?" he inquired. His hands hovered over my swollen ankle.

"What the hell have you guys gotten me into?" I whispered angrily.

"Where were you?" Nat asked.

"They took me to Doom. Now we need to get out of here" I knew this was a horrible idea.

"What did he want, and what about the mission?" asked Clint.

"Screw the mission. If we don't get out of here a lot of good people will die" I almost yelled.

"What do you mean?" they both asked.

"Doom wants to use me as Hydra intended to. He said I would be his weapon" I whispered. They both stared at me in shock. I was still laying on the floor.

"Can you get up?" asked Clint, trying to change the subject. I shook my head.

"I twisted my ankle when we landed, and you know that they made me walk on it. They had to drag me here" I stated "I think it might be broken".

"Can you try and send a message to the others for help?" Nat asked "you've done it before".

"Maybe" I replied "I can if Doom hasn't put power dampeners around the place".

I concentrated and tried to get through to Tony's phone, but someone else picked up. I guess Doom really didn't know who he was dealing with.

"Hello" it was Pepper.

"Pepper. Where's Tony or Steve? We need help" I said rapidly.

"Hang on" I heard movement in the background.

"Hey mini Rogers" Tony sounded like he'd just woken up.

"Tony. Send help. We're in Latveria-" I was cut short by metal arms grabbing me and dragging me away.

"Will? Will? Are you okay?" Tony asked "we'll be there soon".

The call ended. I felt like I was going to pass out, not because of the call, but because of how much pain I was in. The bots dragged me back to the throne room and chained me up on the wall like I was some tapestry. I slowly began to black out.

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