Chapter 18

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(Will's P.O.V.)

It seemed like a lifetime before I opened my eyes again. I was surprised to find myself in my own room. I crawled out of bed and realized that I was no longer in torn clothes but in pajamas. I walked to the elevator and headed downstairs to the lab. Tony and Steve were there. I knocked on the door frame. They turned around to face me.

"Hey" I said.

"Mini Rogers, good to see that you're up" exclaimed Tony.

"I'm just glad to be home. Is Peter alive?" that was all I cared about.

"Yeah, Peter's fine. A lot better than you, that's for sure" Tony replied. Steve stayed silent.

"Good. I thought Doom killed him after I passed out. How did you guys find me anyway?" I asked.

"I went off of a hunch. After two days, I started to think that you might be in Latveria because it would have bee too dangerous to run away with Peter. I told myself that if you didn't contact us somehow then we would go to Latveria and look for you" Steve explained.

"What will I do? I mean, Flash knows about my powers, I have new abilities, and I'm still a target" I sighed, walking over to sit on a stool next to Steve.

"I'm sure you can handle Flash, but as for the abilities, Peter already told us about the whole fire thing. Right now Nat and Clint are out trying to get you a mentor. You know the Human Torch from the Fantastic Four?" said Tony.

"Great" I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to go to school and face all of the questions and attention. I also didn't need a mentor. I had Steve. I just wanted to be normal. Have a normal life, no powers or special skill sets, a normal family, friends my age, and no death threats.

"Why can't I be normal?" I whispered to myself. Steve heard me.

"You are normal, Will, because normal is what you really are. There is no standard of normal" he said quietly.

"That was pretty deep, Capsicle" Tony commented. Steve ignored him.

"How long have I been out?"

"Not long. Only about a day or so" Steve replied.

"How long will it take to recover this time?" I inquired.

"I'm not sure, Will" sighed Tony. We sat in very awkward silence for a few minutes when Nat and Clint walked in.

"Hey Tony, we got Johnny. Oh good Will's awake" at that moment, the Human Torch walked into the room.

"So where's this kid that I need to train?" he asked.

"Oh right, Johnny, this is Will. Will, this is Johnny Storm" Clint introduced.

"Why don't you two get acquainted and show Johnny around the tower" Nat said, shooing both Johnny and I out of the lab.

"So you're the one with the fire?" he asked. I nodded "So how old are you exactly and what are your powers? They didn't really tell me. They just said that you could control fire and needed a mentor".

"Well, I'm supposedly fifteen, but I was born in 1943. I can control fire, earthquakes, and computers" I explained my life story.

"Hold on. You're a seventy-two year old trapped inside a fifteen year old's body?" Johnny exclaimed.

"Well, yes" I nodded.

"So how did you get some of your powers?"

"I got the computer thing from AIM and some enhancements to my ability to create fire from Doctor Doom. I was just saved from him for the second time about a day ago" I stated like it was normal. Johnny stopped walking.

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