* ˚❀ ׂׂ݈݇ ⎼ 02.

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₊˚✧Messages, IRL✧˚₊________________________

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₊˚✧Messages, IRL✧˚₊

Mani 💟🌙 : Armani
Ris 🫶😸 : Chris

Mani 💟🌙
I'm here loser

Ris 🫶😸
Alr give me a minute

Mani 💟🌙
But hurry
Bc if my mom ever finds out I snuck out
again im dead

Ris 🫶😸
You're not the only one sneaking out
But we're locking our doors to our rooms rn
We're all sneaking out through our window
so just wait

Mani 💟🌙
I'm like 2 houses away
Like at the house I always park at when
we sneak out

Matt and nick already left
I'm walking

Mani 💟🌙
I know bro I literally see you🤦‍♀️
I'm not blind

ᵢᵣl !

ᴀʀᴍᴀɴɪꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ:
As Chris walked, I asked myself "why is he walking so slow"? I rolled down my window.

"Hurry up the fucking pace!" I silently yelled. He began walking faster. Once he caught up, he hoped into the passenger seat.

I looked over at him a bit confused. He looked at me with the seatbelt in his hand. He looked just as confused as I did. There was a long pause of silence. Chris then broke it.

"What?" He asked, confused as of why I was staring at him. I shake my head at him before I speak.

"Shouldn't you be in the back since you are gonna order the food?" I spoke while putting my seatbelt on. He rolled his eyes and just hopped from the front and into the back seat.

I rolled my eyes and was about to plug my phone into the aux cord but before I know it, Chris is on aux. I groan and he sticks his tongue out at me like a child before playing some random shitty trap music. I look over at him before snatching his phone and playing a different song.

We were now on our way to McDonald's and Chris had changed the playlist I had on to his own. We were at a red light when I suddenly got a call. It was from "Matt🤡🫵". I quickly put my phone on my little phone stand I had before answering the FaceTime call.

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