* ˚❀ ׂׂ݈݇ ⎼ 10.

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₊˚✧IMessage, IRL, Social Media✧˚₊________________________

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₊˚✧IMessage, IRL, Social Media✧˚₊

Mani💟🌟: Armani
Ris 🫶😸 : Chris

Mani 💟🌟
You there?
read 12:43 pm
Stop ignoring me.
read 12:46 pm
Fuck u then.
I wanted to apologize but if you want to act that way then so be fucking it.
read 12:47 pm

Cₕᵣᵢₛ' ₚₒᵥ :
We arrive home and Nick is rushing us to vlog because we're gonna be posting a day late. His fault for not even being prepared to be honest. As Nick runs up the stairs, Mani comes down them with Matt. Mani avoids all eye contact with me.

I felt bad about yesterday and earlier. If I had known she wanted to apologize, I wouldn't have ignored her. Armani is my person. She gets me and I get her. Without her, everything the world throws at me is confusing.

We all had our things packed and we threw everything in the car. We drove to a wing stop real quick to pick up our order we had put in. Matt came in and out of the wing stop in like seconds.

"Ok, now go park somewhere so we can start the video." Nick told Matt. Matt parked in an empty parking lot. "Aren't we gonna ask Ria if she's gonna vlog with us?" Asked Mani.

"Oh. Yea. Can you call her to see if we should pick her up?" Matt asked. She nodded and turned to look away but instead, her eyes landed on mine. The slight feeling of awkwardness made it weird. We both quickly look away and she begins calling Ria.

After we picked up Ria, we parked in a Walmart parking lot. I set up the camera and Matt gets out the car to check it. "What if I just fell asleep the whole video?" Asked Ria. Mani laughed. I love her laugh.

Yet again, we make eye contact. Nick notices this time and he just stares at the both of us. It continues but Matt breaks our eye contact by getting into the car.

We were half way into the video. We had already ate and now everyone was just talking. While Nick, Ria, and Matt argued about something dumb, I noticed Mani braiding her hair. I smile. She looks at me, but not like usual.

Mani's gaze is filled with all kinds of emotions I can't even give detail to. Anger, sadness, stress?, fury, and other emotions I can't even begin to describe. I felt bad. It was my fault that she was all these different emotions. I was about to talk to her, but I notice her pull her phone out and begin typing.

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