* ˚❀ ׂׂ݈݇ ⎼ 07.

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₊˚✧IMessage, social media, IRL✧˚₊________________________

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₊˚✧IMessage, social media, IRL✧˚₊

As I laid in bed, I got a notification on my phone. It was Ria. I check the time. It was 9 pm. I rub my eyes before opening her message.

Bae Ria 😍🫀 : Andrea
Gf Mar 😘🙊 : Armani

Bae Ria 😍🫀
You were right.
Fuck, I don't even know why I went back to him.

Gf Mar 😘🙊
Ria, what happened??

Bae Ria 😍🫀
He was cheating
But it's so much worse this time Mar
It is
He cheated on me with my fucking friend
My friend?
Like really?

Gf Mar 😘🙊
You  deserve so much better than him
Please I beg you don't go back
I get that's really hard
But just don't
I know you can find someone way better than him ria
i wish I could go over there and hug u

Bae Ria 😍🫀
I'm never going back after that
I know I say it all the time
But I genuinely mean it this time
I'll see u at school babes

Gf Mar 😘🙊
Ok love
Please don't cry or anything over him
You deserve a lot better
Goodnight Ria 🫶

Bae Ria 😍🫀
Goodnight Mar
Also only Z and Kar know
So tell the triplets for me bc I'm just tired
I wanna sleep
So tell them for me

Gf Mar 😘🙊
Ok I'll tell them ria

Mani💟🌟: Armani
Ris 🫶😸 : Chris

Mani 💟🌟

Ris 🫶😸
What's up star?

Mani 💟🌟
Ria wanted me to tell you, Matt, and Nick that her and Andrew broke up
So just tell them

Ris 🫶😸
She's gonna go back either way tho

Mani 💟🌟
Not this time
He cheated on her with her friend
My poor girl bro
I knew he was bad

Ris 🫶😸
I feel bad for her
She can do better than him anyways
I hope she's fine

Mani 💟🌟

Ris 🫶😸
Ok well I'll tell them

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