* ˚❀ ׂׂ݈݇ ⎼ 13.

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ᴀʀᴍᴀɴɪꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Truth or dare, Mani?" Asked Chris. "Uh. Dare?" "I dare you to, uh, post an embarrassing photo of yourself." I groan and go onto my phone. I post a photo on my story. When I do, I hear someone coming towards Chris' room. Everyone was here, even Kar.

They knock. It was just me and Chris right now. We had finished up a game of Mario kart so now we were playing truth or dare. I get up and go open the door. I was Matt and Ria. "Yall, let's do something."

"Ria, if we knew what to do we wouldn't be sitting on my floor playing truth or dare." Chris said. "Shut up." Ria then sat down on the floor.
I hear more people coming upstairs.

Everyone was in Chris' room by now. We were all just chatting. "Ok, but, I'm a very good artist." Z replied. "Says the one who spilt sprite on his painting." Giggled Ria. "It was ONE time!" Laughed Z. "Guys. I have an idea. This is the BEST idea I've had in my entire life!" Chris exclaims, like literally out of no where. "What?" We all ask. "Let's runaway!"

"That's the worst idea you've ever had in your entire life." I told him. I shake my head. Dumbass. "I agree with Mani." Kar added. Chris looks a bit annoyed when Kar adds in. "Honestly, how would we even manage to do that?" Asked Matt.

"Where would go? What would we do? Why? What are we gonna tell fans if we do? Chris, did you even stop to think about the answers?" Ria said. "We can go to New York. We'd have fun and hang out. We would tell fans that we're taking a break. And, I know me and Mani have been saving money together to go on a trip next year. We've been saving since we were 13. By now we have atleast 4k. Every wonder why me and Mani worked all the time?"

"That trip was just for us... but ok!" I said with a shrug. "Sorry. We can save up again!" Said Chris. "Chris. This is so dumb." Added Nick. "Chris' idea is so stupid but let's just do it. Like, we only live once." Added Z. "See, Z gets it!" Chris told us.

"I'm in." I shrug. "If Mar is going, I am too!" Ria told us. "If Ria goes, I'm coming I guess." Matt smiles. Chris and Nick look at him with a look. I also give Ria a look. She just shrugs with a smile.

"Guess I'll go if my brothers are going." Nick told us all. "If my only gay friend goes, I will too." Z said. We all turn to Kar. "Well, Mani is going, so I'll go for her." Kar smiles. I smile back. Chris looks at us and rolls his eyes.

"Ok. Well, we gotta leave on a Saturday or Sunday because we don't post on weekends." Chris stated. "Can we leave this Saturday? I know you guys already did the Friday video so just upload this Friday and we can leave on Thursday. Me and Matt can drive. Matt, you don't have a choice." I told them all.

Chris nods and smiles. I smile too. Every else agrees. "Ok. Well, maybe we should pack today? I know Mani takes a whole fucking LIFETIME to pack." Chris shakes his head. "No I don't!" I defend myself.

"Well, yall can leave now. Mani's gonna help me pack. Bye." Chris began kicking them out.

"Don't take that. I don't like it. It's ugly." I give the shirt an ugly look. I was laying flat on my stomach and my head resting in my hands. "Damn. Hater." Chris sighs and puts the shirt back in his closet.

"Is this enough?" Chris asked me. "I guess. I don't know how long we're gonna be gone, so let's just hope." I grab an Oreo from the pack Chris had placed on the floor. "I was gonna eat that." He told me. "Motherfucker, there is a whole fucking pack. Is this your special one?"

"Can I have it back?" "I took a bite out of it already. It's just a cookie you dumb fuck." He laughs. I smile. Chris' laugh and smile was contagious. It always got to me.

 It always got to me

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🎧// c3c3sturns

Sorry it's short but ITS HAPPENINGGGG

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