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₊˚✧Social Media, IRL✧˚₊________________________

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₊˚✧Social Media, IRL✧˚₊



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Liked by p3psi

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Liked by p3psi.chr1s, dr3a.mm, k4rt3r.smhh, and 5,382 others

marss.333 McDonald's at night 😽 (pray my mom won't find out guys😓)

tagged- p3psi.chr1s, dr3a.mm

p3psi.chris she made me order 50 fucking nuggets 🤦‍♀️
marss.333 atleast I took the "🤢" out your name
  user ok but mar is so real for that
   user HELP HE HAD A "🤢" IN HIS NAME?😭

dr3a.mm 4lifeee😽😽
marss.333 literally don't know what id do without you 🫶

k4rt3r.smhh Y'all really came over just to eat McDonald's😑
marss.smhh nuh uh, we're literally all hanging out right now? YOURE INFRONT OF ME???
   k4rt3r.smhh 🤫🤫🤫

user Chris wearing her beanie is the cutest thing ever

user Im glad I found Armanis spam 🤗

user the photo of drea and mar 🥹.

ᵢᵣl !

Cₕᵣᵢₛ' ₚₒᵥ :
We had arrived at Kar's apartment 15 minutes ago. Everyone was eating already. Me and Ria were seated on each of Mani's sides, me on the right, Ria on the left. Kar was infront of her, Nick on Kar's right and Matt on Kar's left. Z was sitting next to Nick. We were all eating and having a conversation.

Shortly after we were done eating, everyone went  ahead and sat on the couch. I was sitting along side of Mani. Everyone was speaking. I put my arm around Mani and she didn't mind, she continued to speak with the others.

"Ok. So, Me, Matt, and Chris will obviously only be the ones in the car video for this next Friday, but we have to figure something out for... Wednesday. Who's free?" Interrupted Nick. Everyone looked at him. I looked at everyone else.

"I cant, I gotta help my mom with a few things." Said Z. "I can't either, I got work." Replied Kar. I looked at Mani and then at Ria.

"I might be able to. I just gotta tell my mom to see if it's ok." Mani said. "Yea, same. I gotta ask first." Spoke Ria.

"Ok, good. Now we gotta think of a vlog idea. Y'all got any ideas?" Asked Nick. I didn't even bother answering cause my brain was literally empty. Mani's face lit up.

"How about staying in the van for 24 hours?" She asked with a curious look. We all said it would be a good idea so we planned it out.

Mani and I were in her car. She was driving me home. We had decided to let the others go with Matt, you know, for us to just have bonding time. "Are you ever gonna learn how to drive?" She asked. "Nah." "Why not?" "Because I like forcing you to drive me everywhere." "I'm just gonna start letting Matt drive you." "No you won't." "Yea I will." "I'm the best driving buddy, and I'm your best friend, so, no, you won't." I said. Mani just side eyed me then focused on the road ahead of her again.

Shortly, we arrive to my house. I quickly get out the car. I shut the car door and begin walking away, but before I do I wave at Mani. She waves back with a smile. That smile. The smile I love. I smile back and then make my way to my house.

As soon as I climb in through my window, I can see the shadow of two people at my door. I shut my window before pulling my phone out of my pocket and charging it, then lightly placing Mani's beanie on my bed. I begin walking up to my door and open it. I let out a sigh of relief when I'm greeted to Nick and Matt.

"Chris, we gotta talk." Said Nick. I got a bit scared but just let them in. Matt moved Mani's beanie before sitting on the bed. Matt looked really nervous while Nick looked kind of panicked. "Why are y'all acting like that?" I asked them. They looked at me. Nick and Matt both let out a sigh before Nick speaks. "Uhm, so, Matt likes someone." "Isn't that a good thing?" "Not in this situation." Matt said. "What do you mean?" I asked. Matt swallowed the lump in his throat. Nick looked at him and Matt began to look more panicked than nervous.

"Ok, so, I might like Ria, but, Ria has a boyfriend so I obviously can't like her because I don't want to home wreck her relationship!" Ranted Matt. My eyes widened a bit. Ria? No joke? Hold up, why am I even surprised. "I mean, I'm not surprised." I blurted out. They both just look at me. Matt's eyes widen.

"Is it obvious that I like her?! Is it?!" Panicked Matt. "No, it's not, but to me it was." I said. Matt let out a sigh of relief and looked down. "I don't want to like her, she's my friend. I'm not supposed to like her!" Said Matt. That actually got me thinking of Mani. "Well, maybe just, don't tell her." Shrugged Nick. Matt rolled his eyes and groaned.

I woke up at around 7 am. I don't usually wake up this early, especially after sneaking out. I get out of my bed and brush my teeth and fix up my hair. It was a Sunday. We had school tomorrow. I go back into my room and sit in bed for a while, debating if I should call Mani or not.

I didn't want to wake her up, but I also didn't have anyone to talk to. I sigh and then proceed to FaceTime her.

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